December 2019

Qu’est-ce que la Médecine Intégrative ?

La médecine intégrative est la combinaison de la médecine conventionnelle et des approches complémentaires. La médecine complémentaire se distingue de la médecine alternative dans la mesure où elle “complète” ou accompagne une autre approche. La médecine conventionnelle est le type de traitement que l’on trouve généralement dans les soins médicaux courants occidentaux. Si vous vous

Qu’est-ce que la Médecine Intégrative ? Read More »

What is Integrative Medicine?

Integrative medicine is the combination of conventional medicine and complementary approaches. Complementary medicine is different from alternative medicine in that it ‘complements’ or goes alongside another approach. Conventional medicine is the type of treatment usually found in Western mainstream healthcare – if you go to a hospital in most countries in the world, you will

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How Can Natural Medicine Complement Chemotherapy or Radiotherapy?

The battle against cancer is hard-won; the treatments many rely on for effective cancer treatment – chemotherapy, radiotherapy – are not able to discriminate between healthy and diseased cells. This means that cancer treatments can be incredibly hard on the body, just when you’re already going through one of the hardest times of your life.

How Can Natural Medicine Complement Chemotherapy or Radiotherapy? Read More »

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