GSR Scan

GSR Scan & Vega Test

GSR (Galvanic Skin Response) Biocommunication and VEGA Test

In seeking treatment for any illness, we feel that a personalized approach is essential.  What factors have contributed or are currently contributing to the disease? Which organs or systems are stressed and need treatment or support? What would be most effective in a particular case? Questions like these need to be answered beforehand.

The Budwig Center combines two types of technology for body scanning GSR Scan and Vega Test

Both the GSR and the VEGA Test allow us to determine which factors are contributing to illness in each particular case. They also give insight into which areas need the most support. Another important advantage of these scanning systems is that they can help to select the most effective approach for each client from a wide range of natural remedies.

How the GSR Scan Works


GSR technology is based on the principles of Electroacupuncture according to Voll (EAV). Dr Reinhold Voll discovered that when medicine was in close proximity to the body, noticeable changes in the electrical parameters of testing points would occur.

Therefore, GSR is based on the body’s ability to respond to subtle stimuli. Using the body’s natural energetic field, a communication link is established between the patient and the computer via the GSR hand cradle. Through this connection, GSR can send your body energetic pulses or stimuli that may represent organs, body functions, pathogens, toxins, different types of stresses or even natural remedies. A selected series of stimuli are sent and the body’s response is recorded. This conversation is called biocommunication, and it provides insights into health and wellness.

The body’s ability to respond to this type of stimuli also allows the therapist to establish which treatments or remedies would have the most positive effect.

How the VEGA Test works

Like GSR, the VEGA test also works on the basis of Electroacupuncture according to Voll (EAV). It is a diagnostic method based on bioimpedance. By measuring the body’s reaction to various types of stimuli, the VEGA Test identifies local inflammation points, strained organs or interference fields linked to dental problems, recognizes interdependencies between organs and analyses the influence of viruses, bacteria or toxins.

The combination of GSR and VEGA technology

When you come to our clinic, we use a combination of these two systems to determine your current state of health, factors that may be contributing to disease, and the treatment that would be most effective.

There are some evident diagnostic advantages to combining the VEGA Test with GSR Scans. We are able to get a clearer picture of the state of your health when using both systems together. The VEGA Test allows the therapist to establish clear connections between stressed organs, organs, and different types of stresses (pathogens, allergens, toxins, etc.), as well as stress factors and pathologies. The VEGA Test also is very useful for detecting Food intolerances and allergies. However, a GSR scan on its own can also give much insight into your body’s state, factors that may be contributing to disease, and, most importantly, which remedies get the most positive response from your body.

How to prepare for the GSR Scan or VEGA Test

  • You must not consume any alcohol for 3 days and no coffee for 1 day prior to the test
  • Stop taking natural and homeopathic remedies as well as the Budwig mix (flaxseed oil and cottage cheese) for 1 day (24 hours)

[box type=”warning”] WARNING: Please do not stop taking prescription medicine.

On the day of your Scan, it is preferable to eat your regular meals; you DO NOT need to have an empty stomach for the Scan. It is important to be well hydrated; please drink plenty of water before the scan. Hydration increases our body’s conductivity and improves biocommunication.[/box]

2 thoughts on “GSR Scan & Vega Test”

    1. We are based in Torremolinos, in Malaga, Spain. If someone cannot travel to us, the GSR hand cradle is a way to connect with us remotely. We will email you directly to send you more information about how this works. Feel free to contact us directly at [email protected]

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