Tumor Markers – Why Do They Increase At The Beginning of an Integrative Program for the Treatment of Cancer?

Many wonder why do tumor markers increase during the early stages of an Integrative Program for the Treatment of Cancer. It’s common that when you start on a natural program, cancer markers become temporarily elevated. This often scares both the person with cancer and his or her doctor. However, elevated cancer markers are a good sign for the following reasons:

The malignant tumor mass debris consists, in part, of cancer marker components. Most of this cancer marker material has been held in the tissue surrounding the malignant tumor mass. This material usually increases when malignant tumor masses continue to develop. Upon starting the Budwig Program, cancer markers can be released into the bloodstream. This causes a high volume of cancer marker material to appear in the blood temporarily. Because of this, it is the most misinterpreted part of a natural program.

Often the malignant tumor masses continue to grow before one’s normal metabolic function can take over. With tumors, we need to understand that both the mother and daughter cells grow together. That could mean that for a certain period of time, the tumor will get bigger.

Tumor Markers – Getting Support

If you would like some support or advice on this on any other health issue, feel free to contact us.

For more information on tumors, watch this video: 

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2 thoughts on “Tumor Markers – Why Do They Increase At The Beginning of an Integrative Program for the Treatment of Cancer?”

  1. Can you tell me how long the tumor markers can trend-up, (be elevated) how long is temporary? Several weeks or few months?
    When is fair to say it’s working or not?
    Thank you for your time.

    1. Tumor markers should be compared to the patients condition as well as other diagnostic images to make a decision about the efficacy of treatment. On their own, cancer or tumor markers are not enough to clearly indicate progression of cancer or not

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