What a Life Changing Experience!

Back in 2012, I was diagnosed with stage 3 brain cancer that found a tangerine sized tumor in my left frontal lobe. Living in the United States, I was not overly concerned with the types of foods that I put into my body and so I ate many things that were harmful to me such… Read more “What a Life Changing Experience!”
Yekaterina Grishchenko, Brain Cancer

My brain tumor was discovered when I was 11 years old (14 years ago this December). It was discovered, because all of the sudden, I developed Bells Palsy (paralysis of the face). A scan showed that the tumor was blocking the brain fluid from draining so it kept building up and eventually caused too much… Read more “Yekaterina Grishchenko, Brain Cancer”
Selin Demirhan, Brain Cancer

Dear Lloyd I’m a 37 year old female, married, with 2 kids. On February 8th 2013, a 5 x 7cm tumor was identified in the front right lobe of my brain, which was removed by surgery on Feb 12th 2013. The pathological test came back Grade 2 anaplastic oligoastrocytoma. I resumed my normal life after… Read more “Selin Demirhan, Brain Cancer”
Rolando Roberto, Brain Tumor

Attached is a copy of my MRI for you to see. The oncologist says that the malignant cells have disappeared but that I am to have periodical precautionary revisions. I would be grateful to you for advice relating to all the remedies as well as reducing my dosage. With my eternal thanks to you and… Read more “Rolando Roberto, Brain Tumor”
Dorothy McCord, Brain Tumor

Hello Mr. Jenkins, I just wanted to give you an update. I went to have an ultrasound done on my ovaries the other day, to see if anything has changed with the cysts on my ovaries. When I went, they told me that there were no cysts left (mind you one of them was the… Read more “Dorothy McCord, Brain Tumor”
Latecia Spencer, Brain Cancer

Latecia Spencer – Nov 2008 – Mother 5 children – husband walked out on her when he found out she had brain cancer. BUDWIG CENTER provided herbs and the full Budwig program and support at no cost to Latecia. On Saturday, Sept 19th, 2009 (11 months later) Latecia wrote: “Hellloooo Mr. Jenkins, so good to… Read more “Latecia Spencer, Brain Cancer”
Tom, Brain Tumor

I brought my husband to the emergency room with a splitting headache and projectile vomiting. We thought it was a bad migraine but later found out that it was a brain tumor. On February 12th he had surgery and the surgeon told us and the lab work later confirmed that he had a Glioblastoma Multiforme… Read more “Tom, Brain Tumor”