Health Info

These Kitchen Utensils Are Secretly Poisoning You
These Kitchen Utensils Are Secretly Poisoning You Cooking is great—it’s fun, it brings people together, and you get to enjoy a delicious homemade meal. However, you may be making a common mistake, while cooking, that could be secretly harming you. And it’s not about the ingredients or your recipes. We’re

How to Build a Strong Immune System
How to build a strong immune system Your immune system is your body’s main defense. It protects you from and fights against all pathogens and diseases that could harm your health, including cancer. But that’s not the only thing your immune system does. The true role of the immune system

Sunbathing — A Cause or a Cure for Cancer?
Sunbathing — A cause or a cure for cancer? In our modern day, there’s an unfortunate fear of the sun fueled by misinformation.Most people fear that the sun will give you skin cancer.But is this really true? The truth Think about this for a moment: The sun is the source
Dr Budwig Eldi Oils Cancer Protocol
Dr Budwig Eldi Oils Cancer Protocol Dr. Budwig in addition to having her cancer patients consume the Muesli, which is a combination of, flaxseed oil and dairy twice a day, also had them apply ELDI oil topically. She created the unique ELDI oils, containing a special blend of flax oil,

24 врача, отважившихся рассказать правду о дистиллированной воде
24 врача, отважившихся рассказать правду о дистиллированной воде Существует множество споров о том, какая вода является “лучшей” для питья. Стоит ли мне пить воду в бутылках? Вода с обратным осмосом? Минеральная вода? Родниковая вода из глубокой скважины? Дистиллированная вода? Алкалинизированная вода? Вы, наверное, слышали все аргументы продавцов систем водоснабжения о

24 Doctors with the Courage to Tell the Truth About Distilled Water
24 Doctors with the Courage to Tell the Truth About Distilled Water There is a lot of controversy about what is the “best” water to drink. Should I drink bottled water? Reverse Osmosis water? Mineral water? Deep well spring water? Distilled water? Alkalinized water? You may have heard all the

Lemon Juice & Baking Soda First Thing in the Morning
Lemon Juice & Baking Soda First Thing in the Morning Did you know that drinking baking soda and lemon juice can be very healthy for you? Yes, it’s true: drinking something as simple as baking soda with lemon juice first thing in the morning can greatly benefit your health. Your

Should You Eat Eggs If You Have Cancer?
Should You Eat Eggs If You Have Cancer? Eggs have been a subject of dietary controversy for decades, with concerns ranging from their impact on heart health to their association with cholesterol-related problems. In this article, we delve into the science behind eggs and explore whether they should be a

Alkaline Water vs. Hydrogen Water, which one is better?
Alkaline Water vs. Hydrogen Water, Which One is Better? Recent Popularity of Alkaline Water Recently, alkaline water has had an enormous increase in popularity. With sales soaring from $47 million in 2014 to a surprising $427 million in 2017. This phenomenon is based on the idea that alkaline water can