Dr. Johanna Budwig’s Story
Johanna Budwig was born in Germany on September 30, 1908.
Shortly after completing her doctorate in 1949, and beginning her secular career as State Expert for Chemical Research on Drugs and Fats, she made some important discoveries that revolutionized the study of fats and eventually led to her development of the Budwig Protocol in 1952.
Budwig’s groundbreaking discoveries clearly demonstrated the health hazards of margarine and other highly processed oils. Additionally, her protocol offers an effective solution to so many health issues.
Dr Johanna Budwig did not fear speaking openly about her discoveries and the fantastic protocol that she had developed. As a result, the Central Committee for Cancer Research took her to court.
Through the years, Johanna Budwig won over 30 court cases. Unfortunately, this robbed valuable time that she needed to do more research and clinical studies. Even though she lacked the definite clinical data that would prove the effectiveness of her diet, when the Central Committee for Cancer was fighting her in court, the judge could clearly see that Budwig’s research was clear and conclusive.
Many were already following her protocol and sharing their incredible results. Her patients – many of whom were terminal – were recovering thanks to following her protocol; the success of her diet spoke for itself!
Dr. Budwig was considered an expert in several fields, such as pharmacology, physics, and chemistry – more specifically, the chemistry of fats. Today, her discoveries are still held in high regard.
She sadly passed away on May 19, 2003, after a fall in her bathroom. At the time of her unfortunate passing, she was 95 years of age.
She had conducted over 200 lectures worldwide and was very popular in the United States.
Her death was a great loss, not only for Germany but for the whole world. She continued her research and studies up to the time of her death, leaving some incomplete.
Her records indicate that, over the last few decades of her life, she treated some 2500 people with very positive results.
Meeting Dr. Johanna Budwig
In August 2000, Dr Lloyd Jenkins, the founder of the Budwig Center, had the wonderful privilege of personally meeting Dr. Johanna Budwig in Stuttgart, Germany.
When Dr Jenkins met her, she was in her early nineties; she was very alert and coherent, which resulted in an enriching discussion.
During Lloyd’s visit with Dr Johanna Budwig, they discussed numerous patients from different parts of the world, who visited her to receive her therapies – some in a very weakened state – and how her protocol helped them.
After Lloyd’s visit, which included a detailed analysis of her research, therapies, and protocols, Dr. Budwig agreed to grant Dr Jenkins the authorization to use her cancer program and treatment methods. She confirmed this in writing in the agreement that appears on this page

In Honor Of Johanna Budwig

In honor of Johanna Budwig’s amazing legacy and her contributions to humanity, since its founding, the Budwig Center’s has always vowed to strictly adhere to Dr. Budwig’s original protocol, continuing her tenacious pursuit of new remedies, therapies, and treatments that comply with her methodology.
The BUDWIG CENTER was founded with the purpose of making the valuable knowledge and experience that Dr Johanna Budwig gained over the duration of her rich life, available to the world. We are so grateful that she shared this precious knowledge with Dr Lloyd Jenkins and that he, along with his family, have kindly passed this on to us.
It is our mission to spread the message of hope that Dr Budwig so courageously preached, and advance Dr Budwig’s work. We do so by offering comprehensive home-based cancer care programs that bring the wisdom of the Budwig Protocol to people’s around the world.
Cancer need not be viewed as a death sentence; everyday people around the world are following the Budwig protocol to regain their health. Serious disease can seem like a formidable foe, which is why it requires strict discipline and accurate knowledge of the Budwig protocol.