Why Do we Include Emotional Treatments at The Budwig Center?

British storyteller and life coach, Jay Shetty, tells a fascinating account of his first day at Monk school. While walking around the school, he notices a class with a 10-year-old monk teaching a group of 5-year-olds. It was their very first lesson. Intrigued, he wondered, what can a child be teaching other children? Jay was amazed to discover that a monk’s first lesson, which the 10-year-old was teaching, is learning how to breathe. Why? Monks are taught that the only thing that stays with you from the moment you are born until the moment you die, is your breath. Think about it, when you are stressed, or angry, excited, nervous, or happy, what changes? Your breathing. Every emotion we experience affects the way we breathe.  The point? When we learn how to manage and navigate how we breathe, we can also learn how to navigate our lives and control our emotions. What a profound lesson to learn at any age. Imagine the impact that can have on a person if they are able to learn this lesson as a child.

In the western world, it is quite common that the first lesson a child learns at school is the ABC’s or how to count from one to ten. But, how many of us were ever taught the basic principles behind managing emotions? Even as we approach graduation, we are repeatedly told that we have to decide WHAT TO DO with our lives, but we are rarely taught HOW TO LIVE our lives.

Within the family, most parents are so hard pressed to make ends meet that the focus of life becomes about putting food on the table, and topics like how to manage emotions are not a priority. Those blessed with loving parents may have an advantage. When raised around good examples and when witnessing first-hand how to love and how to be loved, children are given the foundation needed to develop meaningful relationships as they get older. Those who grew up in a broken home or who experienced domestic troubles may have to learn these lessons the hard way and may struggle to find balance. Whether we had the perfect start to life or not, the point is, we can deal with life’s challenges successfully when we receive the education on how to do so. The earlier we receive this education, the better we are able to manage our emotions and develop meaningful and lasting relationships as we enter into adulthood.

Perception vs. Self-worth

Learning these vital lessons is key because the state of our emotions and how we manage them as well as the quality of our relationships can have a bearing on how we perceive the world and how we see ourselves. Consider: Do we have the capacity to love ourselves even after making mistakes? Is our feeling of self-worth dependant on our appearance, social status, wealth, and so on? Do we live our lives comparing ourselves to others?

These may be basic social questions that are hotly debated by teenagers and millennials, but the reality is that in adulthood and even much later in life these concepts touch on many areas of our lives and can quite easily dictate who we are and how we feel.

Then there are other issues such as, am I able to forgive or do I hold onto resentment? Am I overly critical of myself and others? Do negative thoughts grip me or am I able to maintain a reasonable level of positivity?

It seems that in this fast-paced world many are not able to stop, think, and breathe (like the monks) and ponder over these questions. Sadly, this leads to a host of emotional issues which can have an impact on our health.

Take Control of Your Emotions

At the Budwig Center, we have come to learn that whatever progress we can make with improving our health can be hindered if we do not address underlying emotional issues. Finding emotional balance has been the catalyst that has helped people overcome poor health. Many scientific studies provide evidence of the connection between our emotions and severe illnesses and diseases.

To help people take control of their emotions and to even find balance after experiencing past traumatic events, we provide a number of emotional therapies. For example, we have found that EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) can help us address deep emotional issues and also aide us to change our thought patterns for the better. The way we see ourselves and others can change, which can lead to more peace of mind and happiness. (to learn more about EFT CLICK HERE>>>)

The EVOX sessions are another valuable tool which can help us to change our perception. It enables us to take an honest look in the mirror and to discover what emotional imbalances we have and to what degree. This knowledge in itself is empowering. Once these imbalances are identified using Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) technology the correct (or missing) frequencies are transferred to our bio-resonance providing balance to our thoughts and feelings on a conscious and subconscious level (to learn more about EVOX CONTACT US>>>)

We also offer other emotional treatments such as Bio Energetic Restoration and Bio Magnetic Pair Sessions.

Is Emotional Treatment for You?

Over the years our primary focus at the Budwig Center has been to help many people by means of natural methods and the above emotional therapies as well as others have been a part of the cancer programs. Maybe you have been suffering from a different ailment and have come to appreciate the connection your emotions have had on your health. Or perhaps you are just looking for a complete emotional detox, and you want to learn new ways to manage your life better. If so, our Emotional Wellness Program is for you.

To learn more about the program and the other Wellness Programs we provide CLICK HERE>>>

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