Budwig Center FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About The Budwig Program

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Dr. Budwig was a German biochemist, pharmacist, and author. She also held doctorate degrees in physics and chemistry. Her tenacity, passion, and diligence aided her to make a massive contribution to medical research, leaving behind an indisputable legacy that helps save lives. She developed a diet and protocol that has proven to be an effective natural method to treat cancer.

We receive calls from people all over the globe with specific questions related to Dr. Budwig’s Protocol and Diet. For quite some time, we have been working hard to compile a list of the most frequently asked questions.

Budwig Center FAQs Playlist

Click on the link for a complete list of FAQs.

In these videos, Lloyd Jenkins, owner of the Budwig Center, gives detailed answers to many of your questions. Here is one of our most popular videos:

Here are some other popular FAQs:

Your Questions Answered

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To see the complete list of the Budwig Center’s frequently asked questions, go to our FAQS PAGE >>>

and visit our FAQ YOUTUBE PLAYLIST >>>

  • We are pleased to say that we have helped countless people worldwide with a natural approach to cancer. Using various effective therapies and in-depth education, many of our patients continue on the road to better health even after they leave our clinic.
  • To find out more, sign up for our bi-monthly Newsletter and download our Free Budwig Guide.
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