Should You Eat Eggs If You Have Cancer?

are eggs good for cancer?

Eggs have been a subject of dietary controversy for decades, with concerns ranging from their impact on heart health to their association with cholesterol-related problems. In this article, we delve into the science behind eggs and explore whether they should be a part of your diet if you have cancer. We will also discuss what type of eggs you should eat.

Health Benefits of the Egg Yolk

Egg yolks, often criticized for their cholesterol content, are, in reality, a nutritional powerhouse that should not be underestimated. This nutrient-rich treasure trove includes vitamins such as B12, B2, B9, folate, and D, each of which plays a critical role in maintaining our energy levels, regulating mood, and supporting overall health.

Moreover, egg yolks are a rich source of essential minerals like phosphorus, iodine, and selenium, each of which contributes to a robust immune system, bone health, and thyroid function—vital considerations for cancer patients undergoing treatment.

Additionally, egg yolks contain choline, a vital nutrient that supports liver health and plays a crucial role in optimal brain function. Maintaining cognitive function can be particularly important for people facing the challenges of cancer treatment.

Can Egg Yolks Affect Your Physical Appearance?

Egg yolks nutrient-rich profile can also enhance your physical appearance. They not only provide an array of essential nutrients but also offer a variety of healthy fats. These fats include healthy saturated fats, polyunsaturated fats, monounsaturated fats, and omega-3 fatty acids. These fats are essential for overall health and contribute to healthy skin and hair.

When it comes to daily egg consumption, the potential benefits are remarkable. Eggs can aid in weight management, reduce cravings, improve metabolic health, and sustain energy levels. Egg yolks also boast substantial protein content, which is essential for maintaining muscle mass, especially during cancer treatment.

Can Eggs Increase Cholesterol Levels?

Contrary to popular belief, studies have shown that incorporating eggs into your diet can improve cholesterol levels. Rather than causing harm, daily egg consumption may actually boost levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL), often referred to as the “good” cholesterol, while keeping low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and total cholesterol within a healthy range.

What Kind Of Eggs Should You Eat?

As we have seen, eggs have many health benefits, even for those facing the challenges of cancer. However, when it comes to selecting eggs for your diet, opting for organic or pasture-raised eggs can offer more nutritional advantages.

Free-range eggs may not be as good as you think they are. The chickens usually stay indoors together with tens of thousands of other chickens. And their feed is most likely genetically modified.

Dr Budwig encouraged a vegetarian diet.  She never specifically mentioned eggs.  The main problem with animal protein is their high methionine content, which is an amino acid that cancer feeds on.  To help block this amino acid, someone with cancer is encouraged to add the glycine supplement to their anticancer program, especially if they decide to include eggs in their food plan.

Organic Eggs or Pastured Raised Eggs?

Organic eggs are sourced from chickens raised in environments where they receive organic feed and are not exposed to vaccines or antibiotics. These chickens typically roam freely, either cage-free or in free-range conditions. Importantly, their feed is certified USDA organic, which requires that the grains used are cultivated on land free from pesticides and toxic chemicals. Organic eggs have slightly more essential nutrients such as protein, potassium, and copper.

Pasture-raised eggs take a unique approach to egg production by allowing chickens to roam freely on carefully maintained pastureland, where they forage on plants and bugs available to them. The benefit of pasture-raised eggs lies in the chickens’ natural diet and outdoor lifestyle. This lifestyle often results in eggs that are richer in certain vital nutrients. Pasture-raised eggs contain increased levels of vitamins A, E, and D, along with a higher concentration of Omega-3 fatty acids.

Methionine is an amino acid found in most foods, even fruits and vegetables, however they are found in great amounts in animal protein. The main concern of consuming eggs when you have cancer is the Methionine, which is an amino acid that cancer uses as food. To help “block” this amino acid, we recommend our cancer patients consume 2 capsules of Glycine daily between meals.

In conclusion, if you can afford it, it’s worth spending more on organic eggs, but even better, pasture-raised eggs. Make sure to include eggs as part of a balanced and varied diet, and opt for healthy cooking methods like boiling, poaching, or scrambling to maximize nutritional benefits.

By including eggs in your diet, you can promote good health. At the Budwig Center, we recommend including only organic or pasture-raised eggs. For more information, contact us.

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