Isabel, Lymphoma

My son made it! He is now free of his cancer thanks to the Diet and your help! My son changed his diet within 2 weeks and stuck to the diet. After about 2 months the doctors removed the lymph node which was first noticed by his collarbone. When first noticed it was 3 cm long, about 1,5 weeks before this biopsy I couldn’t find it and when the doctor came afterward he said that he had had to dig for it and it was only 7-8 mm in diameter AND the Doctors said “ NO CANCER CELLS, Of course, the doctors were confused and in a panic scheduled another biopsy, to be taken of a tumor in my son’s lung. They said that there was a tumor easily accessible. But, when they X-rayed him it didn’t look like it had 2,5 months earlier, so they had to look for another tumor that was big enough to take a biopsy from. They found one, but in the afternoon they told us that they couldn’t find any cancer cells there either In late August they did a follow-up X-ray (Datortomografi). In the letter, we got it said that “everything looks almost completely normal now” and that the “stable in healing” (translation here is difficult). They are assuming that it was a large infection, even though the first fine-needle biopsy had shown Hodgkin’s. My son and I believe that it was cancer due to other factors. My son and I are very happy. And we are very grateful for your help with regards to the diet. Cookbooks are not written the same way in England/USA as they are in Sweden, and I don’t only mean the many interpretations of pepper. Thank you again and I hope we can come and visit someday.

Isabel Demaret Leuf
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