
About Biopsies

Dr. Thomas Seyfried, (born 1946) gives a very strong and clear warning in regard to biopsies. He is an American professor of biology, genetics, and biochemistry at Boston College. His postdoctoral fellowship studies were in the Department of Neurology at the Yale University School of Medicine where he served as an assistant professor in neurology.

His own research reveals that cancer can be considered a single disease involving dysfunction of mitochondria. At Budwig Center, we address the issue of malfunctioning mitochondria.

Dr Seyfried, says that when you want to know if you have cancer, “it is vital to understand that this may not be your best strategy and that for many it would be wise to avoid the biopsy

He warns against doing biopsies, as this procedure may actually cause the cancer to spread. For purposes of diagnosis, a small biopsy sample will often be taken to ascertain whether the tumor is benign or malignant.

The problem is, continues Dr Seyfried, “that when you stab into the cancer microenvironment to remove a part of the tissue, it creates a wound in that microenvironment that in turn elicits the invasion by macrophages and other immune cells.  This could turn a potentially benign situation into a malignant one, and if the tumor is malignant, stabbing into it could make a bad situation worse.

I came to this view by reading so many articles in the literature based on brain cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, liver cancer showing how needle biopsies have led to the dissemination of these tumor cells, putting these people at risk for metastatic cancer and death,” Seyfried says.

Are Biopsies Dangerous?

Dr Seyfried believes cancer is a metabolic disease and not caused by bad genes.  He states “In metabolic therapy you would not touch the tumor; you would not disturb the microenvironment. By leaving it alone, you allow the tumor to shrink and go away.  When you disturb it, you allow these cells that are marginally aggressive to become highly aggressive. Then you lead to the demise of the patient,” Seyfried says.

Liquid Biopsy a Better Option

There is now the emergence of non-invasive diagnostic techniques for tumors, such as liquid biopsy, marks a major step forward for humans on the road to conquering tumors. Liquid biopsy has the advantages of non-invasive, rapid, precise, and especially real-time and samples can be derived from blood, urine, saliva and the like.

Dr Budwig and Biopsies

Dr Budwig was of the same mind.  She stated, “Our bodies are well designed, and the tumor is like a “septic tank” or detoxification factory that absorbs surplus toxins, keeping them out general circulation where they could do harm. Tumors helps your body expel poisons, therefore there is normally no rush to cut it out, unless the tumor is causing a life-threatening situation.”

So, a better question to ask is why did my body produce a tumor in the first place? And what is the main cause of cancer and tumors?

We will help you find the best way forward using all our different remedies and therapies to deal with any type of cancer and tumors using low risk non-invasive procedures. For more information about our home-based cancer care program contact us now. 

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