Colon Cancer Testimonials
It’s a fantastic clinic. It’s just extraordinary!

What was your diagnosis? I came here very sick in 2013 or 2014. Very, very ill. And they diagnosed me with cancer of the colon, stage 4. What brought you to the clinic? What brought me here was there was a sister, well not quite a sister, who was here receiving treatment for cancer. I… Read more “It’s a fantastic clinic. It’s just extraordinary!”
Sandy Brooks, Colon Cancer
A year ago, I began the cottage cheese and flaxseed oil protocol (& more) for colo-rectal SCC, and today, Dr’s are baffled that I don’t seem to have cancer at this time.
Craig Ellingworth, Colon Cancer

“In 2014, I was diagnosed with colorectal cancer stage 3. I had some chemotherapy and then decided to go down the natural road. I came to the Budwig Center in August 2014 and received all the treatments. In May 2015, I was told by my doctors that my cancer had totally disappeared.” Learn more about… Read more “Craig Ellingworth, Colon Cancer”
Carlos Pissarro, Colon Cancer
Hello, Javier of the Budwig Center. Thank you for your concern and support! I must tell you I feel I am healed. I got back at working in my “huerto” all day long and feel strong as I was many years ago, I have no symptoms of sickness and I am very optimistic. I am… Read more “Carlos Pissarro, Colon Cancer”
Larry Goodwin, Colon Cancer
As best I know I remain cancer-free. I had some issues about 6 to 8 weeks ago and have gone thru some ultrasound tests which tend to suggest pancreatitis (infection). My iron levels took a step backward along with all that, and new results and doctor consult should happen this week. Other than that I… Read more “Larry Goodwin, Colon Cancer”