Stage 3 – Throat & Lymphatic Cancer

After being diagnosed with cancer seven years ago, I was told by a close friend about the Budwig Center, so I decided to fly over and explore what they could offer. It was a family decision to refuse conventional treatment. We chose the natural route to overcome the obstacle of cancer. The Budwig Center was… Read more “Stage 3 – Throat & Lymphatic Cancer”
I’m so grateful for the Budwig Center

I’m so grateful for the Budwig Center. Early 2015 I was re-diagnosed with cancer that went into the nodes. I made my way to the cancer center and received chemotherapy and radiation treatment. It wasn’t until the end of that process that I found out about the Budwig Center (through Ty Bollinger’s documentary series). I… Read more “I’m so grateful for the Budwig Center”
"Your Help Has Been Invaluable So Far"

Dear Dr. Jenkins Thank you for all your help. The months before and after chemo using your approach and supplements have helped it be successful so far. One pet scan was completely clean from cancer… The blood test shows no residual cancer, but the last pet scan shows one spot (3.2 SUV) of concern where… Read more “"Your Help Has Been Invaluable So Far"”
Endre Kvia, Lymphoma

Hi Lloyd, Just a little update from me: I have moved to Australia with my family and we are enjoying a new start to life after a turbulent time last year. Since October the cancer in my lymph nodes (left axilla) has all shrunk and almost disappeared. I have one main one that used to… Read more “Endre Kvia, Lymphoma”
Isabel, Lymphoma

My son made it! He is now free of his cancer thanks to the Diet and your help! My son changed his diet within 2 weeks and stuck to the diet. After about 2 months the doctors removed the lymph node which was first noticed by his collarbone. When first noticed it was 3 cm… Read more “Isabel, Lymphoma”
Wilfried S., Lymphoma

Thank you for being such a good doctor to me in my fight against cancer. When I was diagnosed with lymphoma in August 2010, the tests showed 4 enlarged lymph nodes in my right groin. My oncologist said there is no cure or treatment for now as studies showed the survival rate was the same… Read more “Wilfried S., Lymphoma”
Gabriel Orea, Lymphoma

Dear Mr. Jenkins, Please feel free to publish my experience and quote me. I will also be happy to answer any specific questions from you if you want to provide more information on my case. I have no problem even showing my PET scan pictures and other specific info. I am convinced that the natural… Read more “Gabriel Orea, Lymphoma”
Ron Pendleton, Lymphoma

I am the spouse of a stage 4 cancer patient, who, for the last month, has been on the Budwig regimen, with other supplements. Our doctors pursued us unmercifully to “get with the program” as we had gone through all the prelims for chemo/rad (surgery not an option). Hubby did one chemo and some rads… Read more “Ron Pendleton, Lymphoma”