What is Rhythmical Massage Therapy?

Many cultures, for thousands of years, have appreciated the benefits of massage therapy. Nowadays, there are over 80 massage therapy options you can choose from, each of them has a variety of pressures, movements, or techniques. Such actions and methods can be anything like pressing, manipulating muscles and soft tissues with fingers or hands, or rubbing.

How To Choose The Right Type of Massage For You

As there are many massage styles to choose from, it isn’t easy to know which one will best help you. Besides the different techniques and movements, some therapists use lotions and oils, while other therapists don’t. Some massages can last 5 minutes, while others can last 2 hours. When deciding which type of massage can help you best, you must distinguish between the need for relaxation and stress control and a massage that can help you with a specific health condition or manage a particular symptom. Speak to your therapist about your needs and what you are expecting as a result of the massage. The massage can also be customized for you, depending on your condition, health state, or age.

Have You Heard of Rhythmical Massage?

A rhythmical massage uses rhythmical breathing pattern of touch, to penetrate the deeper areas of the tissues. The movements will be circular and have the element of suction rather than pressure. The rhythmical massage can influence how the fluids flow through the body, which allows the stimulation of life processes in the tissues. Another issue that rhythmical massages focus on is the organization of warmth. When we are ill, the distribution of warmth over our body is often affected. So, a rhythmical massage can help bring it back to its normal state.

Rhythmical Massage is different from other types of massages because it typically only focuses on one part of the body. Despite, by doing so, it influences other parts of the body. Different areas of our body are tightly connected and can affect one another. For example, lack of warmth in the thighs, feet, and calves can lead to tension in the neck, shoulders, and head. A rhythmical massage would focus on restoring heat on the lower part of the body, which would help to relieve the tension from the upper parts of the body.

Typically, during a rhythmical massage, oils and ointments, such as lavender, rosemary, and hypericum, are used. Rosemary can awaken the limbs. Lavender can help fight issues with sleeping or anxiety. Hypericum, also known as St. Johns Wort, is used to improve the distribution of warmth. If you’re suffering from muscle spasms, neck pain, backaches, and stiffness, using arnica balm can be very helpful. While rhythmical massage focuses a lot on providing relief from common physical aches and pains, it can also influence the emotional health.

Many clinics all around the world use massage therapy to treat a variety of issues. Depending on your health state, it might be used individually or combined with other therapies, such as physiotherapy. In most cases, it is prescribed by a doctor as a part of a treatment plan, which might also use conventional medicine or natural remedies.

What To Expect During A Rhythmical Massage Session

If you have decided to try rhythmical therapy, you can expect the process to last over several weeks. The treatment is typically given in a warm room, and you will be wrapped in towels or sheets. Only the area that needs to be treated will be left uncovered. A single session usually lasts 20 to 30 minutes. After the massage, you will need to rest for around the same amount of time. The resting part is integral to the treatment.

Rhythmical massages aren’t only suitable for adults, but the elderly and children as well. It is suitable for women who are pregnant, for infants, and as a part of palliative care. It is recommended to get this treatment either weekly or bi-weekly. It treats acute and chronic conditions.

Some issues that rhythmical massage can help with are:

  • circulatory problems
  • orthopedic issues
  • pain management

As previously mentioned, it affects our emotional health and, therefore, can help with conditions such as:

  • stress
  • insomnia
  • depression
  • anxiety
  • emotional trauma
  • immune deficiency

There are also many severe and life-threatening illnesses, where rhythmical therapy can come in handy. It is safe to say that a rhythmical massage seeks to improve the physical and emotional state of the patient and to improve the connection that the physical body has to the inner person.

What Makes Rhythmical Massage Special?

This therapy uses movements that are rhythmical. It uses hand movements in a musical pattern. It focuses solely on you and your personal needs, and it provides an individualized treatment plan that best fits your body and inner person. After each treatment, there is time to rest.

The issues that rhythmical massage can help with include:

• Emotional problems, such as anxiety or stress, behavioral health issues, failure to thrive, eating disorders
• Headaches, migraines, muscle tensions, strains or injuries
• Immune and auto-immune disorders, allergies
• Cancer
• ADD and ADHD
• Degenerative disorders of the nervous system, digestive disorders
• Respiratory issues, such as pneumonia, emphysema, asthma, and bronchitis
• Circulatory problems, such as venous insufficiency and hypertension
• Hormonal imbalances that are caused by menopause or appear during menstruation, etc.

For more information, contact us.

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