Gabriel Orea, Lymphoma

Dear Mr. Jenkins,

Please feel free to publish my experience and quote me. I will also be happy to answer any specific questions from you if you want to provide more information on my case. I have no problem even showing my PET scan pictures and other specific info. I am convinced that the natural treatments are making a huge difference in my treatment and my hope is that my lymphoma won’t come back as long as I follow all the recommendations regarding the suppression of cancer sources and the strengthening of my immune system and general health. Apart from your program I also added three mushroom extracts, which I believe are very powerful (Maitake, Chaga, and Lingzhi). ..This week my second PET Scan showed “almost complete remission,” so that is very encouraging. I have faithfully following the regime I learned with you, in tandem with chemo.

Victoria is doing better, I think the iodine is helping. Thanks for the new document! I will soon have a look. Gabriel.

Now I am “officially” in cancer remission. My last chemo round just ended this week. My tumor levels are considered “normal” now but of course, I need the tumor cells to remain low and inactive. I am paying attention to other aspects of life as well, as I learned from you.

Many thanks,
Gabriel Orea.

Gabriel Orea
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