Ron Pendleton, Lymphoma

I am the spouse of a stage 4 cancer patient, who, for the last month, has been on the Budwig regimen, with other supplements.

Our doctors pursued us unmercifully to “get with the program” as we had gone through all the prelims for chemo/rad (surgery not an option). Hubby did one chemo and some rads and said, “no more–this FEELS so WRONG to my body”. Me, being a believer in “the doctor’s always right and knows more” mentality, panicked and thought he’d just signed his death warrant. We must have had no less than ten phone calls from the “medical establishment” saying where was he?

I found the Budwig protocol, and we went with that and the other protocols that have shown good results. Completely raw food diet. The outcome? Ron’s lymph nodes are almost back to normal, he’s at his ideal weight, and is healthier with GLOWING skin! This is a man of 68, who used to have a weak immune system. He’s buffed it up with alkaline eating, and the barley supplements along with other stuff. He practices the martial art of aikido and can go for three hours without getting tired. It’s amazing how much energy he has.
I’m a believer!!!

I only wish I had this information for my father, who died in 1998 of melanoma. He went with the traditional routes of surgery and radiation. It was bloody awful.

Elin Pendleton [[email protected]]

Ron Pendleton
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