Stephanie, Kidney Cancer

I am 43 y/o and have been diagnosed with papillary RCC, which is supposedly one of the rarer forms of kidney cancer. I didn’t know about Budwig at the time of my diagnosis, and I had not really researched natural remedies before deciding to have surgery. I had a right radical nephrectomy, removal of a mass in the inferior vena cava, and a number of lymph nodes removed from the same side of the body. T-N-M stage was 2-3-X, Fuhrman grade 3, and a very small non-specific node on the right lung. I was told since my metastasis was so extensive that it is more likely to return. I was devastated, as was my family.

There is no effective chemo for papillary RCC and it is resistant to radiation, and in an odd way, I feel very fortunate. I didn’t have to make a hard choice and argue with my family and doctors about not getting chemo. I have no choice but to doctor on myself with Budwig, and I’m doing a darned good job!

After the surgery (4 months ago), I began digging on the internet day in and day out, and ran across Budwig and bought the books, then promptly went vegetarian and started FOCC. So far, I am showing no further signs of RCC, my blood pressure and other vital signs are perfect, my liver and pancreatic functions are perfect, my remaining kidney is enhanced, and all those other blood test levels are within range.

I am feeling better than I’ve felt in 2-3 years, playing 18 holes of golf, and my urologist/kidney oncologist says I am doing well enough to ski again this winter (woo-hoo!). He is amazed at my quick recovery and encourages me to “keep doing what I’m doing” without asking what I’m doing. Everybody around me at home and at work is going vegetarian after seeing my miraculous bounce back to life.

My general oncologist is a disinterested turd (can’t make any money off of me except a co-pay) and has given me NO helpful info about my condition so I am not going to him anymore. I will leave the monitoring and blood tests to my wonderful kidney oncologist, who just told me I don’t have to come back until February (I was going every month at first).
I have stopped “Googling” kidney cancer mortality rates and started Googling kidney cancer success stories (which is how I found Budwig), and my attitude about this disease has greatly changed for the better.

Cancer has not meant the end of my world and I hope you, too, can find your spiritual selves (if you haven’t already), as well as your Budwig selves and enjoy life!
Stephanie Y. (Kidney Cancer)

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