Stage 4 GBM, Diagnosed on 12 Aug 2016 Now Stable

I’m pleased to say that my father, Yashpal Singh Raghuwanshi, recently went through the MRI scan and his brain tumor has become stable. Even the surgeon was surprised to see the results, he said that this is the first case in all his career in which the patient had survived GBM stage 4 beyond two… Read more “Stage 4 GBM, Diagnosed on 12 Aug 2016 Now Stable”
Siddhant Raghuwanshi
Tumor Reduced, Roger Wonderly

I have been using Flax seed and cottage cheese for over a year now and have had great success…. In the time that I have been using the flaxseed and cottage cheese I have greatly improved my diet and continue to move closer to the Budwig Diet in full. I stopped refined sugars more than… Read more “Tumor Reduced, Roger Wonderly”
Roger Wonderly