After extensive abdominal surgery for ovarian cancer, I started six rounds of chemotherapy. At the time of my surgery, my CA-125, the blood test for my ovarian cancer, was 187. After surgery and during chemotherapy this number dropped to 4.9 which my doctor called “crazy good.” My CT scans showed no tumors. Three months after completing chemo, we were disappointed to find my CA-125 had elevated to 87, and a scan showed four inoperable tumors. As we were preparing for another round of chemo and another study drug, my niece introduced me to the Budwig protocol. I did this for 21 days as I waited to start chemo. A CA-125 was run as part of a workup for eligibility for the study drug.
To everyone’s surprise, it had fallen to 5.5. A CT scan showed tumor shrinkage. This put everything on hold. The next month after continuing the protocol, it was 3.4 and again 3.2 the following month. My doctor continues to follow my progress, A CT scan after one year on the Budwig showed total tumor shrinkage. It has now been four years since my surgery with my CA-125 remaining very low. Also, I thank you for the timely help you gave me when I felt concerned about the things I was doing to fight cancer. I pass onto others the help you gave me.
LaVerne Marshall