
Cancer and Constipation Connection

One of the principal causes of cancer is chemical toxins. This is why the Budwig Center, an integrative treatment of cancer center in Spain, prioritizes detox at the beginning of all our programs. This will enable our body to absorb nutrients better. In this article, we will look at the link between cancer and constipation.

Many people that hear the news of this diagnosis start changing their diet and taking supplements and remedies to help support their nutritional needs. Without first doing a cleansing of the body, this would be much less effective.  It can be comparable to someone painting over a wall that was covered in dust and cobwebs. 

cancer cells

As one starts to address the contributing factors to their cancer, these diseased cells start to leave the body.

These dying cancer cells, along with chemical toxins, heavy metals and pathogens need to be expelled from the body daily.  Otherwise, a cancer patient will experience what is called “auto intoxication”, which could literally be deadly. 

Why Should You Clean Your Colon?

In general, anyone that suffers from constipation will also notice they will have some of the following complaints. Sore muscles, bad breath, achy joints, constant headaches, brain fog, mood swings, as well as fatigue and low energy.

This is caused by those retained feces that begin to putrefy (rot) in the bowel, generating smelly gases … yeast overgrowth (most notably candida albicans) … and toxic compounds the overwhelm the body.

A medical study conducted by the Department of Organ Surgery and Gastroenterological Clinic at the renowned Elsinore Hospital in Denmark, made a shocking discovery. Some 62% of adults whom researchers examined were found to have an average of 10-12 pounds of residual fecal matter build up in their large intestines and rectums. In most cases it had been there for decades.

In fact, examiners found that a shocking 90% of hundreds of cadavers colons held significant deposits of hardened, decayed faeces which had encrusted in layer-upon-layer on the intestine walls. In some cases, this stagnant colon weighed an incredible 40 pounds (18 kg)!  No wonder a person does not feel very good having to carry around 40 pounds of toxic waste inside the body.

Constipation Causes a Host of Health Problems

If a person suffers from constipation over several days or weeks, those fecal residues harden on the walls of the intestine, accumulating in layer-upon-layer.  This causes a bloated belly look.

However, what is more serious is this condition can “block” the proper absorption of nutrients from your food. This results in more health problems, such as malnutrition, from lack of important vitamins and minerals.

No wonder a person who suffers from constipation will not feel very well. It the constipation issue is not resolved; these toxins will eventually now enter the bloodstream. This triggers widespread inflammation which is the basis of many health problems.

Before long, every organ in your body will be affected. Then the constipated person begins to look and feel old. They walk with stiff joints that restrict your mobility making them feel like someone much older.

The toxicity also reduces the effectiveness of the immune system. This leads to headaches, creates a perfect environment for parasites and viruses to flourish, regular bouts of the cold or flu. Next, their eyes and brain become duller, and life is not so much fun anymore. 

No wonder the “father of medicine” said that “health begins in the gut”.

How to Combat Constipation Naturally

Apparently more than 80% of the adults in the Denmark Medical study reported having at least one bowel movement daily!  However, a healthy person will have 2 or 3 bowel movements daily.

Constipation is usually caused by a lack of exercise and eating a highly processed foods that are low in fiber.  Also, some medications, such as pain killers, especially opioids, as well as chemotherapy interrupt the digestive system and can result in hardened stools. Other medications which have been found to cause constipation. These include acetaminophen (Tylenol), anticholinergics, antihistamines, antipsychotics. As well as calcium-channel blockers, beta-blockers, diuretics, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Stress is also a major contributor to constipation. There is a direct connection between the central nervous system of the gut, called the enteric nervous system. Stress can affect the regularity of bowel movements, as well as cause gas, bloating, and abdominal discomfort. 

The Miracle of Distilled Water

There is then only one way you can purify your body and help to eliminate your chronic aging diseases and that is through the miracle of distilled water. A sludge-filled motor cannot operate smoothly unless the sludge is removed. Neither can a body be supple and ageless unless the joints, arteries, cells and nerve tracts are free of mineral deposits!

People who suffered for years with constipation, found they no longer were plagued with this once they switched to distilled water.

Dr. Allen Banik says…“Distilled water is the greatest solvent on earth. (It is) the only water that can be taken into the body without damage to the tissues. What the public and we as scientists have never realized is that minerals collected in the body from water are all inorganic minerals, which cannot be assimilated (digested) by the body. The only minerals that the body can utilize are the organic minerals (from fruits and vegetables). All other types of minerals are foreign substances to the body and must be disposed of or eliminated. Today, many progressive doctors prescribe distilled water to their patients. All kidney machines operate on distilled water.” – Allen E. Banik, M.D. Author, “The Choice is Clear.”

Dr. Paul Bragg says…“The greatest damage done by inorganic minerals (hard)—plus waxy cholesterol and salt—is to the small arteries and other blood vessels of the brain (75% water). Hardening of the arteries and calcification of blood vessels starts on the day you start taking inorganic chemicals (and minerals from tap water) into our bodies.”  “When distilled water enters the body, it leaves no residue of any kind. It is free of salts and sodium. It is the perfect water for the healthy functioning of the kidneys (83% water). It is the perfect liquid for the blood (83% water), the ideal liquid for the efficient functioning of the lungs (86% water), stomach, liver (85% water) and other vital organs. Why? Because it is free of all inorganic minerals. It is so pure that all liquid drug prescriptions are formulated with distilled water. Dr. Paul Bragg, N.D. Ph.T., from his book: “The Shocking Truth About Water”.

Here are some natural solutions to constipation:

  1. Glass of warm (or hot) water in the morning – As soon as you wake up drink a full glass of fresh pure water. If you add the juice of half a fresh lemon that will also help detox the liver and favor a healthy pH neutral level.
  2. Fruit in the morning – start your day with 2 or 3 different fresh fruits (organic when possible).
  3. Go for a power walk after fruit for about 10 minutes of more.
  4. Do 5 minutes or more of mini trampoline. Gently moving up and down on a small trampoline helps activate the lymph and digestive system.
  5. Eat foods with a high fiber content, such as beans, lentils, avocados, flax and chia seeds, acorn squash, green peas, collard greens, broccoli, and sweet potato.
  6. Coffee or green tea enemas are helpful.
  7. Colon hydrotherapy – this process cleanses the entire colon. Note: it does have many counterindications, this would not be suitable for everyone.
  8. Epsom Salts – take 1 teaspoon every hour until you have a bowel movement.
  9. Castor oil – take 1 tablespoon every hour until you have a bowel movement. If nothing else works, the castor oil will.

More solutions

10. NT PARAX – Once a year we should all do a parasite cleanse. NT PARAX is one of the most complete parasite cleanses available with some 23 herbal ingredients. (Most parasite cleansing products only offer 3 or 4 ingredients).  

Parax detox
Detox NT

11. NT DETOXAn effective intestinal cleanse that we provide to all our patients at the beginning of the program and recommended for all to do once a year.  Ideally everyone would do well to take the NT PARAX along with the NT DETOX.

For more information on how we can help you personally, through a consultation, please contact us by email: [email protected] or by phone: +34 722 239 129.


1 Medical study conducted by the Department of Organ Surgery and Gastroenterological Clinic at the renowned Elsinore Hospital in Denmark

2 As reported by Professor Arnold Ehret, the father of colon autopsy research, in his book “The Definitive Cure of Chronic Constipation.”

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