Holistic Medicine

What is Holistic Medicine?

Holistic medicine is an approach to healthcare that focuses on the state of the whole body. It is a whole-body approach to healthcare that focuses on the body, the mind, and the inner person. Within a holistic treatment, traditional and complementary. A holistic specialist will create a treatment plan according to the individual’s needs.

Some holistic experts are doctors, who have a medical degree but base their approach to holistic principles. These are holistic doctors, but there are also holistic practitioners, who don’t have a medical degree and don’t have a license to practice medicine. Typically, holistic medicine isn’t used as a treatment plan alone, but rather complementary to regular, traditional medical care. 

What are the principles of holistic medicine?

Holistic medicine is based on various values and principles. One of them is that firstly, one should focus on preventing conditions while treatment comes second. The belief is that to be able to have good health, you need to focus on your physical health and your emotional, mental, and spiritual state, as well as social wellness. 

What is the difference between holistic doctors and traditional doctors?

Conventional medicine typically focuses on treating symptoms. Holistic doctors treat the body as a whole and try to focus on the disease’s cause and not merely the symptoms. It uses multiple therapy options. For example, if you suffer from eczema, traditional doctors may prescribe you a cream, while a holistic doctor might suggest some lifestyle changes and diet. Besides, a holistic doctor would most likely recommend using the cream also, along with natural home remedies, such as oatmeal baths.

What types of holistic medicine are there?

Educational treatment is a form of holistic medicine that focuses on assisting you in making lifestyle changes. This can mean exercise, stretching, nutrition counseling, dietary supplements, self-massage, relationship and life counseling, and support groups.

Other therapies that might be prescribed to you by your holistic practitioner include aromatherapy, herbal remedies, acupuncture, cupping, heat pack applications, therapeutic massages, music therapy, and many more.

Some holistic doctors use conventional Western medicine in combination with the various therapy forms mentioned above. 

If you are unsure of what type of holistic doctor to visit, make sure that you look at the practitioner’s qualifications. This would mean checking their education, license, certification, experience as well as associated organizations.

If you would like some help or support feel to contact us and our Budwig Specialists can provide you with some advice and guidance.

In summary:

  • Holistic medicine is a form of treatment that sees the person as a whole, and the belief is that optimal wellness and health are achieved by having proper balance in life, which involves your body and mind. 
  • Holistic practitioners can use all types of healthcare. A balanced combination of traditional medicine is often promoted. 
  • These practices shouldn’t be seen as a replacement for conventional medicine, and experts suggest speaking to a traditional medical doctor before trying any holistic treatment. This is especially important if you take prescription medications. 


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