My name is Alena, and I am from Prague. Three years ago, I was, unfortunately, diagnosed with breast cancer. I was offered conventional treatment options, which means surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy. But since I had already been receiving homeopathic treatment with a psychotherapist for quite a while, and since I was interested in natural medicine, I decided to go my own route rather than the conventional route.
Unfortunately, while homeopathy kept the cancer somewhat stable for about two and a half years, a few months ago, it began growing. So I decided to do something about it, and I found the Budwig Center. I came here hoping for better results.
I chose this treatment because it suits my personality and is aligned with my view. I think it is best to help your body strengthen its immune system
so that it can fight.. To have faith in your own body, and not to leave everything up to doctors. Not to let treatments like chemo, radiation, and scalpels destroy your body.
I have been here at the clinic for two weeks. I chose to start with two weeks because I did not know what to expect, what the treatment would be like here at the clinic, what the atmosphere would be like etc. So I decided to start with two weeks and go from there.
My stay here has been so beneficial that I plan to come back again in two or three months. I think that the treatment that is provided here at the clinic is very comprehensive. Yes, it is a treatment for your physical body, but it is also a treatment for your soul – It is an emotional and psychological treatment. And I think that is what really helps
because here, they have helped me free myself from some emotional baggage that I have been carrying with me for a long time. They taught me how to deal with stress and be more open to my emotions. I really feel liberated.
This is on top of the physical treatment, like the our-in-one and hyperthermia, which were very useful to me. The VEGA test that I was given at the beginning of my stay revealed quite a few factors that were contributing to my illness. I was under a lot of stress. But after just a few days, I began to feel much better. Today, there is no comparison. I feel purified from the inside out. My body is telling me that it is much healthier. I feel lighter, and I feel happier.
I would recommend this treatment to other patients because it gives you a lot of hope and optimism. You become much more positive and more of a fighter. And you develop a lot more self-confidence.