I’m impressed with the professionalism, the friendliness, and the great food

Colin Weatherley

My diagnosis was prostate cancer, locally advanced prostate cancer, which means it hasn’t spread to the rest of the body, but it was sticking out of the prostate.

I chose the Budwig Center because I read a lot about Johanna Budwig over the years, so I knew the name. And after my diagnosis, I went home and searched her name on Google, and suddenly the Budwig Center in Malaga pops out, and that’s how I thought, “Wow, that’s interesting, especially as I have friends who live here, very close to Malaga.” So I decided to give them a call, and I found the treatment very interesting. And I asked them about the treatment and what it can do for me, and I was quite impressed, so here I am.

I’m pretty impressed with all the therapies, but I’m very impressed with the CellSonic, because I’ve also read about the CellSonic. It’s a major advancement in cancer research. Apparently, it’s helped many people around the world already, so that impressed me quite a lot, I must say.

I did have some lower back pain and a slight twinge on the lower part of the abdomen, but that’s gone thankfully. What can I say? I feel quite fit now with more energy. I’m impressed with the professionalism of the staff, the friendliness, the great food. Yeah, all around kindness of everybody. I can’t really put it into words.

When I left the hospital after the diagnosis, I was sort of shell shocked. I didn’t really know where to turn, but then I got home and started searching for places, and that’s when I found this place. And I thought, “Well, I’ve got a few years to play with anyway. It’s not like I’m dying or terminally sick right now. So I may as well give it a try because it’s not something you can do the other way around.” Or if you do it the other way around, it will be harder to recover after. So I thought, “I’ll do it.” The standard treatment at hospitals will always be there, whereas this, I have to do it first. So that’s why I’m here.

Colin Weatherley
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