Jerry Tindel’s wife, Breast Cancer

I receive your newsletter. Thank you. 7 years ago, my wife, Nancy, had breast cancer. The day she was diagnosed, I searched the web and discovered the Budwig Protocol. She started it immediately. She had a lumpectomy and one week of radiation. She is still on the protocol. Every year when her cancer doctors test her for the possibility of cancer reoccurring, she tests the lowest of anyone they test! Praise God!

Two years ago, our daughter, Tammy, had breast cancer. She immediately started on the Budwig Protocol twice a day, and juicing fruits and vegetables. In 6 months her tumor had shrunk 50%. But her doctor told her he better hurry up and do a mastectomy! I am sure he was afraid there would be nothing left to operate on if he did not operate now! And, she did not have the faith to tell him, “Let’s wait a little while longer!

I continually recommend the Budwig Center to people I know who are diagnosed with cancer. If I got it, I surely would want you to treat me.

Thanks for all you do.

Jerry Tindel
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