Today marks one calendar year when I completed a 3-week intensive treatment for prostate cancerthat had metastasized to my L1 and lungs. I had dropped from 75 kg to 61 kg in body weight and was wearing a catheter. My appetite was at a low ebb and heavily constipated. Generally, I shunned all public appearances to avoid comments.
The positives, though few far outweighed the negatives. For example, I believe in dreams, and all my dreams before I came to the center showed that I was heavily intoxicated with parasites, heavy metals, bacteria and viruses and emotional stresses and worries I believe that God in His pharmacy has a herb or herbs for any and all diseases. I, therefore, opted for natural, non-toxic treatment and so Budwig became my natural choice. I had and still have a very supportive family; my wife and my 4 great children. Lucky me. Yes, these positives!
So I checked in on February 11, 2019, at the BUDWIG CENTER. By February 14, I checked my weight and had gained 2kg in 4 days! Wow!The result of the blood work was very, very promising.
I enjoyed every aspect of the treatment. Anytime I am doing hyperthermia, either local or general body, I imagine and actually see the heat melting the tumors and killing off the cancer cells. Otherwise, I am on colon hydro cleansing, and this unsightly stuff is coming out. Or I am leisurely enjoying the pyramid and in my imagination, I am seeing the disintegration of all congestions in the body and their elimination from my body, etc.
FOOD: Even though some of the foods were un-African, the kitchen staff took the time to tutor my wife, and pretty soon, our apartment kitchen was a place to be for one who had just gained appetite and was becoming voracious. In all I must confess that Christina Weeks and Julia were so kind and jovial, I always looked forward to lunchtime. BUDWIG CENTER IS THE BEST PLACE FOR CANCER PATIENTS.
Oh, God bless my little Angel. She made me feel loved, and I loved her wisecracks and jokes. For Manuel, he is a brother from another mother.
The reassuring looks of Robin and Kathy quickened the healing process. How can I forget David and the spiritual exercises we did together. Oh no, she is the only one I don’t know her name. I am referring to the amiable lady doctor, yet she, the one that first gave me cause to smile when out of the blues she said YOU ARE WELL. I am not sure she remembers uttering those words, but I heard them as golden words released by God through a chosen channel.
Yes, 366 days after, how do I feel? L1 cancer gone. Lung cancers gone. Main cancer, prostate CA, only remnants left. Physically I look great. I went to 77kg and had to slow down because my best weight is 74kg. The negative side effects of the drugs I took before Budwig have largely abated and dissipated. The few remaining, I have discussed with Robin during my last remote GSR scan, and I am optimistic of total amelioration and complete remission in God’s time and in God’s own way.
Finally, Dr., you could not have chosen a more congenial city, Malaga and I am told you have even moved to a location.
As I write this, I am full of tears of joy that God has used you and your great team to offer me another opportunity to live and serve God and all life.
Thank you
Thomas Obafemi Olawore
On his last day at our clinic, Thomas left us a video testimonial: