Anemia is a condition where your body doesn’t have enough healthy red blood cells to transport the needed oxygen to your tissues. Anemia can cause fatigue and weakness and if gone unchecked can lead to serious illness. Maintaining optimum health on a cellular level is critical when fighting disease. Here’s a look at how Chlorophyll nutrition can make a difference.
Chlorophyll – Helps Build Red Blood Cell Count
“Chlorophyll is the greatest food we have to bring someone out of anemia.”
– Dr. Bernard Jensen
When red blood cell count is increased, there are more red blood cells to transport the needed oxygen and materials to various organs and parts of your body. The body can then better repair and rejuvenate itself.
One of the best foods for naturally building red blood cell count is the freshly squeezed liquid chlorophyll found in wheatgrass or barley grass. Liquid chlorophyll in wheatgrass is the main component. Presented in its holistic health state, with appropriate enzymes and minerals, it is a powerful nutrient. Researcher Dr. Hans Fischer (1881-1945) and his fellow associates won the Nobel prize for their work studying the characteristics of red blood cells. One of the key points of the research found that chlorophyll in wheatgrass juice and hemoglobin (the oxygen-binding substance in red blood cells) were nearly identical molecules. Imagine that, a natural liquid that’s remarkably similar to our own blood!
Simple, Safe, and Effective
Natural liquid chlorophyll in wheatgrass and barley grass truly builds the red blood cell count. In fact, check out this wheatgrass juice testimonial of one reader who had a low red blood cell count and then increased her blood count by drinking a shot of wheatgrass juice regularly – simple, safe, and effective liquid chlorophyll nutrition to the rescue!
As it is not always possible to juice your own cereal grass, the BarleyLife powdered supplement is also incredibly useful and very effective for improving health. It’s also important to take into consideration that some foods can increase or decrease your absorption of the much-needed iron in wheatgrass. To enhance iron absorption, consume your wheat grass or barley grass with a source of vitamin C. As the tannins in tea and the phytate acid in nuts, legumes, and grains can interfere with iron absorption, avoid eating these foods at the same time you consume wheatgrass. If you have an allergy to wheat, gluten or grass, check with your doctor before drinking wheatgrass.
More wheatgrass research studies will continue on this fantastic sun absorbing cereal grass and its excellent juice. But in the meantime, the following are some exciting chlorophyll health benefits being achieved from drinking wheatgrass juice or barley grass juice.
Loaded With Vitamins, Minerals and More
Dr. Bernard Jensen D.C. (1908-2001), found that there were no blood builders superior to green juices and wheatgrass. He treated his patients with wheatgrass for more than 30 years in cases of anemia, muscle debility, and as a general health builder. In Jensen’s book Health Magic Through Chlorophyll From Living Plant Life, he mentions experiments he conducted whereby putting his patients in a chlorophyll bath he was able to raise their blood count. He used mostly green juices from different vegetables to achieve positive results. These patients took a 30-minute soak in a warm chlorophyll bath, one-third full. A daily bath over three weeks raised the blood cell count by 400,000!
Dr. Jensen said, “There is nothing that stimulates the formation of red blood cells better than chlorophyll-rich drinks.”
Loaded with vitamins, minerals, iron, natural flavonoids and antioxidants, chlorophyll-rich wheatgrass and barley grass juice and their numerous health benefits could fill pages. Unlike conventional iron tablets, the chlorophyll nutrition found in wheatgrass and barley grass is 100% natural and side-effect free. See if it’s right for you today!
For more information, contact us.
I have a sensitivity to gluten. What is the best alternative?
Dear Cathy, Chorophyl and wheatgrass don’t have gluten, no problem there.
I have barley tablets. Is this beneficial?
Dear Zanette, barley is not the same as barley grass. Do you have trouble with anemia? Maybe email us directly if needed. ([email protected] or [email protected])