Eve started on a detox program at home (diet and castor oil packs followed by coffee enemas) and then came to the clinic for a wellness program at the beginning of May. In November 2020, her liver function was five times higher than it should be. In March, it was still almost double the normal range, and now, one month later, her blood work showed her liver function was healthy again, within normal range!
Eve thoroughly enjoyed her stay at our clinic. She said: “I went home with tools and knowledge to continue to improve my health and well-being from home. I sleep really well during the nights now since I’ve been using the magnets. I feel the health preventive care I received and took home from the budwig center has improved my well-being immensely!
I look forward to going back for more sessions with the wonderful staff at Budwig!”
For more information about our wellness programs, read the article: Wellness Programs at The Budwig Center.