parasites problem

Cancer and Parasite Infection Go Hand in Hand

Dr. Hulda Clarke, who was a contemporary of Dr. Johanna Budwig, found that all her cancer patients, without exception, had both parasites and isopropyl alcohol (also known as “rubbing” alcohol) in the liver. Due to the fact cancer and parasite infection go together, a parasite cleanse is one of the first things that we recommend you do to get your health back on track.

Years ago, all the family did a parasite cleanse in the springtime; it was a “family tradition”. A parasite infection can cause massive inflammation  and brain fog. As well as digestive issues (the parasites literally consume your nutrition and leave you with their waste), chronic fatigue, and much more. 

My youngest son was displaying signs of diabetes when he was around seven years of age.  So we took him to an iridologist, who saw that his pancreas was shrinking and not working properly.  The cause?  He said parasites located in that area were basically consuming all his nutrition, and the pancreas was “starving to death”.  After the Iridologist gave our son a good anti-parasite cleanse, he recovered and never developed diabetes. 

We often reflected on this experience and came to this conclusion. If we had have brought our son to a regular medical doctor, he would probably not have been checked for parasites. Then he would simply have concluded that our son was developing diabetes and he would be on insulin the rest of his life

Effective Parasite Infection Remedies

The challenge is to find an “effective” anti-parasite remedy.  It’s hard to purchase one at your local pharmacy. This is because, in general, the medical world believes that parasites are only a problem with people living in Africa and South America.  And any remedy they might offer would likely be both inadequate and have nasty side effects.  Most anti-parasite products offered on the Internet, even natural ones like the Dr. Clark formula, only have three ingredients in most cases.

There are three main classes of parasites that can cause disease in humansprotozoa, helminths and ectoparasites, and there are literally thousands of varieties within these three classes.  Hence, a very complete anti-parasite remedy with several potent natural ingredients is needed. 

14 Potent Anti-Parasite Ingredients

[1] Garlic is not only helpful in destroying parasites but also helps eliminate harmful bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Garlic eliminates intestinal parasites, especially worms (pinworms), and stimulates the immune system.

[2] Grapefruit Seed contains high amounts of citrus bioflavonoids that act as powerful antioxidants and anti-microbials.  Studies have shown grapefruit seeds to be antibacterial and anti-fungal. When combined with geranium, they have even been shown to effectively combat MRSA, which is an antibiotic-resistant strain of staph infection. Grapefruit, whose ascorbic and citric acids have a powerful microbial and bactericidal capacity. It acts on 800 strains of pathogenic bacteria, viruses, more than 100 strains of fungi such as Candida albicans, and a variety of unicellular parasites.

[3] Cloves contain one of the most powerful anti-microbial agents in the herbal world, known as eugenol. It impacts bad microbes in the gut but also destroys parasites and their larvae and eggs. In addition, gloves have profound anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer benefits.  Cloves also help protect against worms, amoebas, fungi, bacteria, and viruses involved in things like malaria, cholera, scabies, dengue fever, H Pylori, and tuberculosis. 2

[4] Papaya contains a unique anthelmintic alkaloid called carpaine, effective in exterminating amoebae and papain, which dissolves the skin of parasites.

[5] Coenzyme Q10 is most effective against ascarids in the brain and bone marrow and helps to open the parasites’ expulsion pathways.

[6] Pumpkin seeds, whose zinc content helps to expel worms (pinworms) and helminthic parasites, and cucurbitite, which provides a vermifuge action.

[7] Pineapple, whose bromelain content destroys tapeworms.

[8] Hickory, with contrasting antiparasitic properties, cleans and purifies the blood.

[9] Thyme favors the elimination of intestinal parasites.

[10] Licorice, [11] Cumin, [12] Centaurea, [13] Marshmallow, and [14] Fennel has all proven action to eliminate intestinal parasites, control gas, and reduce intestinal inflammation.

Detoxing the Colon Enhances Parasite Cleanse

At the same time, when you do a parasite cleanse, the results are even better if you combine it with a “colon cleanse”. Using a herbal formula to remove all the dead parasites and debris, as well as harmful chemicals like isopropyl alcohol. This is found in many personal care products, like lotions, shaving crème, perfumes, and makeup.

In fact, everyone should do a colon cleanse at least once a year. Cancer patients need to start their natural program with a full colon and parasite cleanse.

Our food supply is contaminated with more than 3,000 chemicals which are added intentionally to enhance the flavor, appearance, and shelf life.  Every day we wash the ‘outside’ of our body, but when do we cleanse the ‘inside’? The Budwig Center adheres to the principle that one must first cleanse and detox the body before it can really heal.

Eliminate Toxic Cancer Causing Foods From Your Diet

One needs to eliminate any types of toxic foods from your diet. For example, this includes processed foods, hydrogenated oils, refined sugar, or convenience foods. Such convenience foods often contain added nitrates or nitrites, which have been connected to some profoundly severe health conditions. Best to eat fresh foods, preferably organic foods, whenever possible, and at least once a year, do a colon cleanse as all toxins cannot be totally avoided.

Carrying around a load of synthetic toxins in the body puts stress on the immune system. Usually, the immune system is on alert for bacterial and viral invaders. It is also on the lookout for environmental toxins. The result is your immune system spends more time attacking toxins on top of the job it already does of seeking out viruses and bacteria. Going through a detox lowers the load of toxins and lets your immune system focus on fighting off invaders that contribute to illness. The Budwig Center, includes the Colostrum+Curcumin remedy to boost the immune system, as well as a low immune system is one of the 4 main causes of cancer.

If you would like to do an internal deep colon detox and also a full parasite cleanse, contact us.

Sources For This Article Include:

(1)  Zeng, Y., Li, Y., Yang, J., Pu, X., Du, J., Yang, X., … Yang, S. (2017). Therapeutic Role of Functional Components in Alliums for Preventive Chronic Disease in Human Being. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine : eCAM2017, 9402849. PMID: 28261311

(2). De Rapper, S., Viljoen, A., & Van Vuuren, S. (2016). The in vitro antimicrobial effects of lavandula angustifolia essential oil in combination with conventional antimicrobial agents. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine2016. PMID: 27891157

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