Cancer Prevention: Part 1 – Diet and Detox

This article is part of a series of articles listing some things you can do to help prevent cancer.

They say, “prevention is better than cure.” But when talking about the epidemic of cancer in the 21st century, many feel powerless to prevent it. Over 4,700 people are diagnosed with cancer every day in North America alone! Nearly 1 in 2 Canadians is expected to be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime, according to the Canadian Cancer Society (CCS) in partnership with the Public Health Agency of Canada. However, the good news is that prevention IS possible. This article is part of a series of articles listing some of the things you can do right now to prevent you and your loved ones from falling victim to this pervasive disease.

Eat Real Live Foods

The first advice we give to those who come to the Budwig Center for natural cancer treatments or other health issues is to switch from refined and processed foods such as harmful refined sugars, salt, flours and oils to natural unrefined foods.   We give all our patients a list of foods to eat and foods to avoid.

To ward off cancer, we recommend healthy people start on the Budwig diet even now.  Don’t wait until you have that dreaded diagnosis, instead prevent it by eating the way Dr. Johanna Budwig recommended. The Budwig protocol, among other things, includes a vegetarian diet.

Perhaps you find it confusing which foods to eat and which foods to avoid.  Or maybe you are at a loss as to where to get your protein intake or what foods you should now purchase.  You can download the free Budwig Guide, complete with delicious recipes, to inspire you with healthy food choices.

Detox Your Body and Your Environment

Today’s large commercial farmers spray food crops with vast quantities of harmful pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and other dangerous chemicals.

The Environmental Defense Fund states, “Our food contains chemicals that may result in serious health risks, especially for young children. Because of a flawed law and weak enforcement, many chemicals are inadequately tested or not tested at all, and others are never even independently reviewed for safety. These substances are used to flavor, color, preserve, package, process and store our food, but many never appear among the list of ingredients. And companies have been allowed to add hundreds of chemicals without even notifying the agency in charge of protecting our health”.

Conventionally raised animals are fed diets that contain harmful antibiotics and synthetic hormones to speed up their growth, and modified GMO food sources that have been shown to cause cancer. These are just a few reasons why the Budwig diet, which favors a vegetarian approach with organic products, is not only an essential element in natural cancer treatment but also a wise choice today in the prevention of cancer.

We also instruct our patients to rid their home of all toxic chemicals used in cleaning. That includes harmful chemical cleaners used to clean windows, floors, countertops, and clothes, as well as personal hygiene products such as shower gels, soaps and shampoos containing cancer-causing chemicals.  These products can all be replaced with natural alternatives such as organic soaps and shampoos, essential oils, baking powder, lemon juice, and vinegar.

At the Budwig Center, we explain how to effectively detoxify the body from years of accumulated toxins derived from food, water and the environment using two types of cleansing clays and selected herbal formulas.  Toxins are the leading cause of cancer, and our natural cancer therapies give primary importance to this truth right from the start of our programs.

Check Your Iodine Levels

According to Dr. Brownstein, “There is an epidemic of iodine deficiency in this country, and I believe it’s a major contributor to the increasing rates of cancer of the thyroid, breast, and prostate.”  Why is iodine so important? Dr. Brownstein goes on to say, “Iodine is essential to every cell in your body, but it’s especially important to your thyroid gland, which makes the hormone that regulates your entire body’s metabolism. Iodine deficiency results in reduced thyroid hormone, a slower metabolism, weight gain, insomnia, fatigue, brain fog, depression, and, if left unchecked, can become cancerous.  Already our agricultural soils are deficient in iodine, so the crops they produce are iodine deficient.”  Dr. Brownstien encourages natural iodine, such as Lugol’s iodine, as it also promotes apoptosis (death to cancer cells).

At the Budwig Center, we treat cancer naturally with our remedies, and we test our patients for iodine deficiency as part of the Budwig protocol.  Dr. Brownstein stated: “I always test for iodine levels, and I’ve found more than 95% of my patients are deficient.”

For more information, contact us.

5 thoughts on “Cancer Prevention: Part 1 – Diet and Detox”

  1. So much valued your mail,thank you. Im battling sarcodoisis it affected my in the eyes,very though battle but Im positive that I will get better one day.
    Thank you
    Lucy Shaw

    1. Dear Greg, we suggest local hyperthermia as well as healthy diet, help to manage stress, pH and detoxing properly. We offer natural, herb-based remedies to help with this and we have treatments that are very effective for this as well. Please contact us directly for more information: [email protected]

  2. Constance Booth

    Hello, is there anything specific you would recommend for non-Hodgkin b-cell low-grade lymphoma?

    1. Dear Constance, thank you for contacting us with your question. In addition to the Budwig protocol, we would administer photodynamic laser therapy. This is a systemic treatment specifically indicated for cancers affecting the skin, lymph and blood. Then again, in Naturopathy we treat the ill and not the illness. So we would need to get to know you personally Constance, to see what are the most important contributing factors to this condition in your case. If you would like more information, please email us: [email protected]

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