Reduce The Risk of Cancer

The Budwig Protocol has been very successful. But how exactly does it work? What is the science behind this approach? Let us take a look at some facts related to cancer and how the Budwig Protocol helps.

Why Does The Body Produce Cancer Cells?

Contrary to the popular belief, cancer cells produced in your body are not the cause of the disease but the result of an underlying problem. Dr. Johanna Budwig’s extensive research has revealed the reasons why cancer develops in the body. Her protocol has a profound effect on the body, at a cellular level, and provides exactly what is needed to reverse this state of ill health and prevent the body from further producing unhealthy cells.

Some cancer factors include:

  • Excess toxicity from chemicals and pollutants in the air, water and food
  • Insufficient detoxification and drainage capacity, leaving the body weak and vulnerable
  • An unhealthy lifestyle and dietary habits that involve a hectic routine, severe mental stress, sedentary habits, lack of nutrients in the diet, and irregular sleeping patterns.
  • Lack of proper hydration reduces the body’s ability to eliminate toxic metabolites accumulated in healthy tissues.

These factors affect the health of normal cells resulting in inflammation and changes in the structure of the DNA. These abnormal changes mark the initial stages of cancer. Taking steps to avoid such effects in your body can reduce the risk of cancer significantly.

Our research, which is aimed at identifying the characteristics of cancer cells, has helped us uncover some lesser-known facts that differentiate these cells from normal cells. Let us have a look at what sets a cancer cell apart from healthy cells.

  • Cancer cells have an electric charge that is opposite to that of the healthy cells, which affects their normal life cycle.
  • Cancer cells produce a form of lactate that can contribute to the acidic pH level in the body. This can trigger inflammation in healthy tissues and initiate cancerous changes.
  • Cancer cells tend to form a special protective coating made of fibrin that your immune system is unable to detect.

Our experience has helped us to take a holistic approach that can improve the patient’s chance of recovery.

This holistic approach involves a multifaceted strategy:

  1. Increase the body’s detoxification capacity in order to bring about a favorable change within the body and protect it from the effects of dangerous pollutants and toxins in the environment.
  2. Provide cells with a bond of sulfurated proteins and flax seed oil in order to restore their normal function.
  3. Disable the fibrin coating of cancer cells and restore their normal electric charge to ensure the cancer cells return to a healthy state and follow a natural cell cycle.

Additionally, we recommend herbs and natural remedies that stimulate detoxification and support the functions of the kidneys and liver. We recommend these therapies after carefully evaluating the symptoms and existing liver and kidney functions of each patient.

Here are a few natural remedies that can help attain the goals set by this method:

The Budwig Muesli

The Budwig Muesli offers the rich medicinal properties of flaxseed oil and cottage cheese. The combination of protein substances found in quark or cottage cheese along with the high amount of omega 3 essential fatty acids in flaxseed oil help form and repair the membrane of every cell. This mix can provide significant protection against cancer-causing agents. It is easily absorbed into the bloodstream and promotes the oxygenation of the cells, thus, allowing unhealthy cancer cells to regain their normal electric charge.

Full Body and Local Hyperthermia

Hyperthermia, in simple words, means raising the temperature of the body. A higher body temperature is often caused due to an illness like fever and heat stroke. The quantum of heat used in this therapy is carefully controlled to achieve and maintain a specific body temperature.

Phytotherapy and Food-Based Remedies

Dr. Budwig recommends Phytotherapy along with the use of papaya juice, herbal teas, and fermented food such as sauerkraut juice. Each person is given personalized recommendations to improve their digestion and the capacity to detoxify and regenerate naturally.

The Budwig approach works by supporting the natural functions of various organs to enhance their resistance to changes. Our home based cancer support program also aims to improve the mental health of patients who face tremendous stress and are at an even higher risk of depression.

The natural remedies also help to relieve pain and other symptoms that come with cancer by producing analgesic, and anti-inflammatory reactions. This can ease the ordeal patients have to face. It can improve their confidence and willpower, which are much-needed attributes.

4 thoughts on “How Does The Budwig Protocol Reduce The Risk of Cancer?”

  1. I have Been dealing with an underweight issue for most of my life. When I was Diagnosed with breast ca stage 4 weight was 118. I am 5 foot 8. I was Also diagnosed with lupus 10 years ago. At that time I controlled lupus with diet no meds. I ate Mostly vegetarian but I did Eat organic meats once a day. To maintain weight. I haven’t eaten sugar for over 10 years because I’m allergic to it. No fruits,stevia, no sugar molecules.
    Now that I have Been receiving immunotherapy, targeted chemo and Tomoradition my weight has dropped to as low as 105. I’m struggling to get my weight back up. If I dont Eat the meat weight drops.
    I eat Grass fed bison and beef. Small amount of chicken at lunch. Eggs in the morning. I eat As many green Vegas as I can Get in.(which is only 2 servings now). Also have small amounts of rice with black beans. and gluten free bread. I starTed eating the cottage cheese and oil twice a day 6 tablespoon to 3 tablespoon oil. My weight is now about 108. But I’m
    struggling to maintain it . I used To eat tons of advocadoe but now since chemo I have An aversion to them and become nauseated. Also struggling to eat as many raw verges as I did in the past.
    Tried protein powders but most of them have added sugar and even small amounts as 1 mg cannot tolerate.
    Bone broth protein collagen aggravates. Cannot tolerate collagen supps.
    I do take supps such as turmeric parsley, chlorophyll, vit c , pectosol spirulin a chorella vit a b12 and a couple others.
    I would Like To know if you have some suggestions with this issue. Also will the cottage cheese mixture work if I’m eating meat?
    Also having difficulty putting in the ground flaxseed so I’m eating it without is this ok?
    Thank you for any help you can give me.

    1. Dear Theresa, thank you for sending us this information about your diet. For personalized advice we do testing with the GSR scan and we provide Skype consultations for 70€ (30 min) after having completed a health questionnaire. If you are not able to come to the clinic and want to find out about how we can help you remotely to put together a food plan and see which natural remedies would help your body regain balance, please email us: [email protected]

  2. Hello – I was diagnosed with Lobular bc 2a last July and since had surgery to remove it with clear margins. I also had 3 lymph nodes removed one of which tested positive. Finished radiation 5 weeks ago but declined chemo. Taking letrozole but would like to come off it due to the bad side effects that I read about. I only started 4 weeks now so experiencing nothing so far. I was juicing and eating raw up until I finished my radiation when my stomach started acting up and I had to stop the raw and green juice. I can still drink carrot juice but would like to do more variety of juices. Since doing the radiation I have been having stomach issues – bloating, gassy, diarrhea, etc. Never did before. Its been 5 weeks. I am taking some supplements and am trying the budwig mixture. Before radiation I loved it but since my appetite has changed due to the radiation I am forcing it down. I need some guidance as to supplements and what else I should be doing to prevent recurrence. I hear about coffee enamas but I can’t get myself to do an enema. So scared to do one.

    Thank you.

    1. Dear Inez, thank you for contacting us with your question. We understand that surgery and radiation treat and/or remove tumor and lesions that are present at the time. This is like buying oneself time. However, if one doesn’t make some important changes, the body still working the same way will obviously form more tumors and lesions eventually. You have started to change your diet and that is a good beginning. To help you with side-effects from radiation, we know some medicinal mushroom extracts as well as some pure oils that work great for that but we really prefer to test a patient before recommending a specific remedy. And it does seem like there is something urgent that needs addressing in your stomach from the description you are giving us. We cannot guess what you need and would really need to test you using the Vega test and GSR scan to give you effective and precise recommendations. Would you be able to come to the clinic for a day or two? We will email you privately about how we can help you further.

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