Brent was diagnosed with testicular cancer. He and his wife Michelle decided to pursue natural methods to improve his health and they chose the Budwig Center for assistance. While at our clinic, Michelle decided to do one of our wellness programs.
Here’s their story:
In March of this year, so two months ago, I was diagnosed with testicular cancer, a nonseminoma. A multi-germ cell and the embryonal carcinoma and choriocarcinoma before that.
We had many people on both sides, conventional and alternative, and one of my closest friends – in fact, he was the best man at my wedding – A Highly educated man with stage four melanoma, and they gave him a very short period of time to live. There was really nothing they can do about it. And he went the alternative medicine approach. Within six months, he was cancer-free. It was complete remission, and that was nine years ago.
We looked at several clinics. There was one actually in Marbella, which is a good clinic. There’s one here, this one, the Budwig Center in Malaga. There were a few actually in Mexico, and I didn’t think any of those were bad options. I thought they actually were really good options. This one here probably was a little more appealing, because when you look at Johanna Budwig’s body of work, it’s pretty incredible. And so, after looking at her, the results that she would get in her studies, it was just very encouraging, because really it comes down to cellular health.
Brent said to me, “I think that the Budwig Center will be a good place because it’s holistic and will help us learn together.”
So, getting to come here with Brent has been great, and I even participated in the wellness aspect of it of the programs. I didn’t do all the therapies that he did, but just some wellness things, which was nice for quite a few reasons. I’m worn out, too. I’m exhausted, and I am overwhelmed by his diagnosis, and I want him to be well, and I didn’t know what to do to help him, and I wanted to know what to do. So coming here has really been a great support, and the community has been really great.
It’s fairly laid back here, and I actually think that’s a pretty helpful thing, because if it was overly structured, and not to say that it’s not structured, but if it was overly structured to the point, it might feel a bit overbearing.
There’s a lot of comradery here, also. I feel like, too, that you’re not coming here having things done to you or for you, but I feel like they’re coming alongside and doing it with you. I feel like that’s a lot more effective.
It’s quite remarkable when you get a group of people who seem to actually like each other, enjoy working together, and have done it for a long time. Robin is fantastic. I work around a lot of executives, and you can usually figure people out pretty quickly. He’s got a skill about him. I asked him, “does your job ever become monotonous? And he’s like, “No, not at all, because you’re trying to hear people where they’re at and nobody has the same exact situation or problem.” So those interactions early on have a positive effect – you know people are listening. So, with that being said, what is it about the Budwig Center? It’s not one thing. It’s a number of things.
I would suggest if the spouse or partner of the person who has cancer could come alongside and maybe experience some of the treatments. It gave me such a better perspective of what he was going through and better understanding. It was really good. And then I just really felt supported and lifted up – I felt strengthened. I do feel strengthened. I’ll just say that. I feel strengthened to go home and continue on.
It really united us to be able to do this together.
Yes, that’s true.
The kitchen over there, by the way, is pretty incredible. Michelle does the majority of the cooking, and I keep saying that I’m going to be a chef. I’m going to jump in there, and she’s like, “We’ll see.” But when you actually sit there and watch the gals preparing the meals and then everybody’s over there talking to them like, “Hey, tell me about this and that,” and it’s just, gosh! For somebody who doesn’t live in the kitchen and doesn’t spend enough time in the kitchen, I’m like, “I think I can do this.” So that was pretty amazing.
Well, for those who do live in the kitchen, it was a real gift to be served such wonderful, healthy, nutritious meals. I just kept thinking, “Oh, that’s a good idea. I could do that when I go back home.”
She’s already a good cook.
I’m learning a lot of new ways of healthy cooking that I can bring back home.