The Health Benefits of Being Aware of Your Thoughts

We can compare our thought patterns to the waves of the sea. We all desire our flow of consciousness to resemble the calm tranquil waters of the Mediterranean on a beautiful summers day, but more often than not, our thoughts are turbulent and boisterous like stormy seas. Life’s challenges make it difficult to get a hold of the critical chatter that enters our minds. Many who have come to appreciate the dangers of allowing negative thoughts to dominate one’s mind have found that, with effort, we can modulate our mood.

Avoid Mr. Worry

Most of us would avoid an individual who is notorious for persistent negativity. Yet at times we may allow “Mr. Worry” to enter our minds and even make a permanent home. It’s up to us to be cognizant of our thoughts and say goodbye to “Mr. Worry” by filling that void with positive and peaceful emotions which will ultimately have a good effect on our health and well-being.

At the Budwig Center, we find that many of our patients are troubled by negative emotions which are having a greater impact on their health than they realized. This is why a key component of the Budwig Programs are the various emotional therapies that we offer.

Build A Foundation of Positivity

Positive thoughts need positive stimuli to thrive. Our daily habits, the people we surround ourselves with and the experiences we have all in many ways dictate the state of our consciousness. So, stop and contemplate on the following 10 suggestions and see if you can incorporate any or all of them into your life:

1. Surround yourself with others who are happy.

If you spend time with angry, depressed or sad people, their negativity will transfer to you. But if you’re around people who are happy, you will absorb their positive energy. You’ll also learn about their habits and learn to react the way they do when something bad happens. Slowly weed out the negative influences in your life and replace them with positive ones.

2. Count your blessings.

When something bad happens to you, try not to focus on it. Instead, take a minute to count your blessings. Everyone has good things in their life, whether it is a good family, loved ones etc.

3. Gratitude sessions.

Along those lines, it is a good practice to have a daily gratitude session. Think about what you have to be thankful for, and silently express gratitude to those who have done something good for you in some way. If possible, take the time to call, text or email them to thank them.

4. Think Solutions.

Instead of thinking about a problem, move on to the next step: how to solve it. Instead of saying “Oh, this is so hard,” or “Oh, I can’t seem to do this,” ask yourself, “what’s the solution?” If you develop solution-oriented thinking, you’ll be much happier.

5. Accept things.

We are often unaware of it, but we usually want things, people or ourselves to change. And that’s a sure way to lead to unhappiness because we cannot control the world. We have to accept things as they are. Try to understand them, even love them. Including and most especially yourself. Accept who you are, allow yourself to be you, try to understand and love yourself. Then do the same with others in your life.

6. Take time to savor life.

Instead of rushing from one thing to another, resolve to have less to do each day, fewer appointments and fewer tasks. And truly enjoy whatever it is you do, from talking to eating to walking to just sitting.

7. Laugh.

Just the simple act of laughing can make you happier. Watch a funny movie, tell jokes, read a book by Douglas Adams or Terry Pratchett, go to humor sites on the Internet. And laugh your head off.

8. Spend time doing something you love.

Make room in your life by eliminating some of the commitments you don’t really like doing and replace them with something you truly love.

9. Show little acts of kindness.

Each day, try to be kind to others in little ways, opening doors, smiling, giving up your place in a line. Found a good bottle of wine? Then buy an extra bottle and give it to someone.

10. Exercise.

Just a short walk or run could lift your spirits and reduce stress. Nothing difficult. Just get outside and move.

Final Thoughts

You may already follow many of these suggestions, but after reading this post focus on them even more. Be determined to make them apart of your daily existence. Monitor your mood and thought patterns over a 30-day period and take note of the differences. As you become increasingly aware of your patterns of thought, whether positive or negative, you will gradually learn to control the character of your stream of consciousness.

For more information about our emotional therapies contact us for a FREE consultation.

4 thoughts on “The Health Benefits of Being Aware of Your Thoughts”

  1. Add:Do not try to achieve perfection in what you do.You should be happy with some imperfection in what you do.

  2. An excellent list of areas that will make a huge difference in peoples lives.
    In our Ma-uri Teaching workshops, these categories you mention are the very areas where the Adult students show a deficiency.
    The lack of what you have listed is definitely what hold people back from a raised level of Consciousness and the enjoyment of everyday life.
    Kia Ora.
    Keep the good work Flowing.

  3. Thank you for the reminders in your “How To Stay Positive” article sent to my emai, today. It’s Sunday mid-day in “my neck of the woods” and I needed to rest, so my mindset was not healthy! All the subtopics are excellent, and although I know to reflect on these, I become distracted and worn out by physical weariness and pain of heart.
    Today’s recall to positive action is much appreciated!

    1. You are very welcome Noelia. The physical and mental is a two-way street. Getting up and moving a little, focusing on something different, just changing something will have a domino effect and make us feel better!

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