The Budwig Mix – What Can Replace Cottage Cheese And Linseed Oil?

Many people ask us if there are any appropriate replacements for the main ingredients of the Budwig Mix. Some people substitute Linseed (flaxseed) oil and cottage cheese with a variety of alternatives, such as yogurt, eggs, vegetable powders, nuts or garlic.

Are these suitable replacements? What did Dr. Budwig say on the matter?

First, watch the following video to learn how to make the Budwig Mix and then keep reading:

Ingredients Compatible With The Budwig Mix

Kefir Cottage Cheese

An excellent substitute for quark cottage cheese is kefir cottage cheese. Many find it more palatable and even easier to digest. It’s also an ideal option for those who have an intolerance to dairy.  Kefir is fermented, so the conversion of lactose to lactic acid is virtually complete and doesn’t present the same digestive problems.

After mixing the kefir cottage cheese and linseed oil for at least one minute, try adding the juice of a whole lemon for even better digestion and a lovely and fresh, zingy flavor. Click on this link to find out how to make homemade low fat, organic Kefir Cottage Cheese.

Foods Not Compatible With The Budwig Mix


Dr. Budwig never recommended or sanctioned the use of yogurt as a suitable substitute for quark in the Budwig Diet. She was adamant about using quark (cottage cheese) right up to publishing her last book in September 1999. That is not to say that she necessarily was opposed to yogurt.   It is not as effective as cottage cheese/quark because it lacks the protein density and does not thoroughly mix with flaxseed oil.

The dairy product needs a specific protein density to facilitate complete water solubility of the flaxseed oil. What we have to keep in mind is that there is a chemical reaction that takes place when the sulphydryl groups in quark or cottage cheese bind with the unsaturated fatty acids in flaxseed oil. This reaction allows the flaxseed to become water soluble and enter into a cell to supply energy.  So we recommend not to use yogurt and miss out on the healing benefits of this mixture!

Vegetable Powders, Eggs, Nuts or Garlic

Dr. Budwig was aware of the vegan alternative, BioSan’s Companion Nutrients. But, she completely disregarded companion nutrients when a Swedish professor asked her for quark alternatives for his client, former president, Bill Clinton. Additionally, there is no indication that they work.

Based upon USDA food tables, leeks, chives, garlic, cabbage, red pepper, and asparagus contain sulfur but not sulphurated proteins in any appreciable amount. We need to keep in mind that it is not the sulfur in vegetables that we are after, but rather, the sulfurated proteins. So while these vegetables (as well as many other foods) do contain sulphurated proteins, the problem is that they do not provide them at the levels required for the Budwig flax oil/cottage cheese mix.

Egg yolks would be a better choice, but they are much too fatty for consideration in the Budwig Diet. Dr. Budwig did not even approve of organic free range eggs.

Nuts and seeds have a very high level of sulfur-containing proteins, especially walnuts. The high protein in nuts and seeds already have balanced levels of omegas 3, 6, and 9. However, when you add the flax oil, this natural balance is disrupted. So, once again, we will not reach the proper oil/protein proportion that we get with dairy as recommended by Dr. Budwig. You encounter two problems when using nuts as a dairy substitute, too much omega-6 and too little sulfur proteins relative to the total oils.

In conclusion, the only genuinely acceptable substitute for cottage cheese or quark is homemade Kefir Cottage cheese.

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