Emotional Health

How Stress, Anxiety, and Depression Affect Cancer and Other Chronic Illnesses

Our society is becoming more and more stressful. Even within the family unit, many are experiencing stress like never before. Western society is under intense pressure from various sources; the political climate, economic uncertainties, questionable ethics from those in authority and even from religious entities. We face a crisis of values which neither the educational

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Psychotherapy, Psycho-Emotional Therapy Pair and Kinesiology Testing

Psycho-emotional therapy Pair The Biomagnetic Pair is a technique developed by the Mexican Doctor Isaac Goiz which uses pairs of magnets located in strategic places of the body to modify the pH and treat many diseases caused by viruses, bacteria, fungus, and parasites. It is a wonderful help to treat a great variety of illnesses

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EFT – Emotional Freedom Techniques (Tapping)

The Budwig Center offers a range of alternative, complementary and integrative therapies to clients. One of these is known as ‘Emotional Freedom Techniques’ (EFT)[i], a holistic approach focusing on the link between psychological and physiological wellbeing. EFT (also known as tapping) is used for a range of symptoms and conditions, and can be used independently

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