Depression and Anxiety – How The Budwig Protocol Helps

A common side effect of cancer and its symptoms is depression and some form of anxiety. The Budwig Center helps patients fight these emotional side effects from day 1 of the programs.

The Budwig Diet – A Weapon Against Depression

A key ingredient to successfully fight against depression and anxiety is the chemical messenger called serotonin, often dubbed the mood stabilizer. When we increase serotonin levels, we automatically feel less anxious and happier. Where can we get our hands on this effective weapon against depression? We need to consume foods rich in tryptophan. Interestingly, serotonin is synthesized by tryptophan.

One of the richest sources of serotonin is cottage cheese. The main ingredients in the Budwig mix are cottage cheese and flaxseed oil (or freshly ground flaxseeds). In addition to serotonin, high levels of Omega 3 fatty acids also help with stress. Hemp seeds, Chia seeds, and walnuts, – all part of the Budwig diet – are very rich in Omega 3 fatty acids. Also, gravitate towards fruits that are high in tryptophan such as pineapple, avocado, apples, berries, and tomatoes.


Your Gut – The Key to Your Health

Scientists have nicknamed the gut our “second brain.” The father of medicine, Hippocrates, believed that the key to our health was in our intestines. Which makes sense since 70 to 80 percent of our immune tissue is located in the digestive tract. A robust immune system is necessary to overcome depression.

Moreover, because the nerve cells in the gut manufacture up to 95% of the body’s serotonin, taking good care of our digestive system is a must (3). To effectively and naturally favor the healthy bacteria in the gut, Dr. Joanna Budwig gave her patients fresh sauerkraut juice and fermented foods. Thus improving digestion and strengthening the immune system.

A study, done by Dr. Garnet Cheney of Stanford Medical school, showed fresh raw cabbage juice to be very beneficial for patients suffering from ulcers, stomach pain, acid reflux, and gastrointestinal ulceration (4).

The Golden Medicine of Sunshine and Vitamin D

In a study done on the benefits of vitamin D, people with the lowest levels of vitamin D were 11 times more prone to depression than those who had normal levels (5). The sun is one of the best natural sources of vitamin D. Dr. Budwig had her patients spend time in the sun whenever possible. Even on cloudy days, spending some time outdoors helps beneficial rays from the sun to have an impact on our system. The sunshine’s “golden medicine” is one of the many reasons why we established the clinic in the south of Spain. In this part of the world, we often enjoy more than 300 days of sun each year.

Exercising vs. Depression

We encourage anyone who is combating depression to spend at least 20 minutes per day outdoors. A University of Toronto researcher carried out a study examining 26 years of research. The results revealed that there was a vast improvement in mood levels for those who spent as little as 20 minutes in the sun. The study also confirmed, “that even low levels of physical activity (walking and gardening for 20-30 minutes a day) can ward off depression in people of all age groups (6).”

Movement is essential. It aids our circulatory system and assists the body to produce endorphins and encephalin – also known as “happy hormones.” A walk in a park, cycling, swimming in the sea or a lake for 30 minutes are forms of exercise that most people can tolerate at levels specific to their physical condition.

Emotional Therapies at Budwig Center

At the Budwig Center, we use various psychological therapies to help patients find balance as they work to recover their health. These include the EVOX system which measures and tracts the frequencies within your body to determine if there are any emotional blocks.


We also encourage specific lifestyle changes. Embracing new healthy habits and making adjustments to one’s thinking help combat depression and anxiety and spur you on in the cancer healing journey.


2 thoughts on “Depression and Anxiety – How The Budwig Protocol Helps”

  1. What programs do you have for someone who wants to come to your centre to rejuvenate? What time s the duration and what is your the cost? Thanks.

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