Every year the National Cancer Survivors Day Foundation endeavors to motivate and inspire people to celebrate the tenacity and determination of cancer survivors, their family, friends, and their communities across the globe. The objective is to provide support and to raise awareness of the challenges they face and to remind us all that Life in itself is worth a celebration!
For so many, a cancer diagnosis is a life-altering experience. Their personal timeline is forever marked with “before the diagnosis” and “after I got cancer”. It’s not just the cancer survivors physical and emotional health that is affected, but their employment, family dynamics, medical insurance, and finances can all take a direct hit from their diagnosis. With over 15.5 million cancer survivors in the United States alone, it has to be recognized that the emerging field of cancer survivorship requires support.
There’s Hope and There’s Help
There are now various organizations and agencies whose sole purpose is to educate cancer survivors on their rights and direct them to resources that can help guide them through the medical, legal, financial, and employment issues they may encounter. One such organization based in the U.S.A, Triage Cancer, provides practical information regarding these issues, complete with informative videos!
Another non-profit cancer advocacy organization, The SamFund, created by a cancer survivor in 2003, provides direct financial assistance and free online support and education. These two organizations partnered up and together host a website that educates cancer survivors on how to handle finances after their diagnosis. (www.Cancerfinances.org)
The European Cancer Patient Coalition, ECPC, works with members so that all European cancer patients can have timely and affordable access to the best treatment and care available. This organization is unique in that the majority involved in managing it are cancer survivors themselves!
Celebrate The Journey of a Cancer Survivor
Through the strength and determination of the many cancer patients we’ve had the privilege to help, we’ve learned the valuable lesson not just to survive, but to thrive! Click the link if you would like to learn more about our home based cancer treatment program.
Or, for more information, contact us.
Watch this inspiring testimonial:
Key Takeaways from This Article
- There is a great deal of help and support if you have cancer.
- Watch some inspiring testimonials.
- The National Cancer Survivors Day Foundation provides a lot of help and inspiration.
- For detailed information about the Budwig Protocol and Diet download the FREE Budwig Guide.
- There are many effective natural treatments.
- Keep up to date with the latest news on the budwig protocol by following us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.
- If you need help, support or advice, contact us right away.
Prezados senhores
Sou um sobrevivente de cancer da próstata, diagnosticado em Março de 2017. De facto, não fiz o tratamento com a Badwig no entanto, tenho beneficiado de muita informação que me ajudou a suportar o estado de cancer por 2 anos, até ser operado. Muito obrigado pela ajuda com todo tipo de informação para doentes e sobreviventes
Você é muito bem-vindo. Obrigado por compartilhar sua história!