Tumor Shrinking Protocol

The Budwig Center’s Tumor Shrinking Protocol

The thought of a tumor growing in our body can be quite worrying and very discouraging. However, a question to consider is: are all tumors dangerous?

We often discuss this question with our patients. Interestingly, many people have been told that unless the tumor is malignant, there is no need to fear, these tumors can be considered benign, so there is no cause for concern. However, Dr. Hulda Clark said, “This is like a zebra on the African plains believing that a lion who is standing very still, nearby, need not be feared. This is, again, not true.”

The good news is that our body has what we can call “built-in tumor shrinkers.” Nevertheless, when a person has cancer, this built-in tumor-shrinking mechanism is not working as well as it should – if at all. Fortunately, this can be addressed using the Tumor Shrinking” and “Starve Cancer” Programs.

Step 1 – Detox the Body

Tumor growth has several causes, such as isopropyl alcohol (industrial wood alcohol), parasites, bacteria, and harmful chemicals, to mention just a few. So, the primary objective is to first is to address these underlying causes. For example, to eliminate adult, babies, and parasite eggs, we use a unique blend of 23 different herbs that can destroy all the some 1000 different types of parasites. Additionally, Diatomaceous Earth and other clays, along with herbal formulas, remove heavy metals, harmful bacteria, and dangerous chemicals. Also, Lugol’s iodine and different anti-bacterial formulas are needed. These natural remedies are part of the Budwig Protocol, offered to all cancer patients who enrol in our programs.

Step 2 – Remove the Malonic Acid and Support the Thyroid

When a person has cancer and the subsequent tumor formation, the mitochondria don’t work as well as they should. Generally, this is for two reasons:

First, we need to greatly reduce all animal protein and switch to a vegetarian diet.  Some dairy, as in the Budwig Flaxseed oil and Cottage cheese (Quark in Europe) is allowed.

Second, take 2 capsules of Glycine daily between meals to help block the Methionine, which is an amino acid found in many foods, however, particularly in abundance in animal protein.

How The Tumor Shrinking Protocol Works

As we’ve considered, the concept behind the Tumor Shrinking Protocol is to remove toxins and block glucose, and methionine. We also need to support the thyroid as thyroid hormones are lacking. Our thyroid gland makes its daily quota of thyroxine and sends it out via the bloodstream to each one of our 35 trillion or more body cells! It must enter each cell to deliver its activating effect. But as the thyroxine enters the tumor cell and approaches the mitochondria, it is attacked by thiourea. Thiourea destroys the thyroid hormone. We correct that by providing selected B vitamins and Lugol’s natural iodine.

  • Don’t forget to Download our FREE Budwig Guide to learn more about the incredible benefits of the Budwig Diet and Protocol.

Boost the Immune System and Eliminate the Harmful Bacteria

Tumor cells are under attack from bacteria and so we need to deal with the harmful bacteria present in the body.

Transfer Factors – Using “Transfer Factors,” we can boost the immune system rapidly. What are Transfer Factors? When humans and other mammals are born, the first nourishment that the mother breastfeeds the new-born is not milk but a clear liquid called Colostrum. Transfer Factors are derived from this Colostrum. Transfer Factor molecules are extracted from grass feed organic bovine colostrum and chicken egg yolk sources. These molecules re-educate or modulate your immune system, teaching it to recognize specific pathogens (viruses, microorganisms, harmful bacteria, etc.) and communicating the knowledge that they are present. Transfer Factors do not destroy these invaders, but instead, they make your immune system more robust and more efficient to destroy them.

Dental Work to Control Bacteria – Crevices between teeth and fillings allow anaerobes to move in. Dead teeth also invite Clostridium bacteria. If your teeth have gray or bluish-black discoloration, you likely have Clostridium infection. It is relatively easy to spot in a dead or filled tooth. It might be hidden from view under a cap, a crown, or under a filling in some cases. Your body will feel an incredible relief when the clostridium-infected teeth are gone. The effect is like removing a thorn that is deeply embedded in you. Visiting a biological dentist is imperative in your “cancer healing journey.”

MCP Modified Citrus Pectin – Additional cancer fighter Citrus Pectin. It has the ability to prevent metastasis or spread of cancer. Modified citrus pectin small molecules enter the bloodstream and act as bait for lecithins (proteins on the surface of cancer cells) that are looking for sugar galactose in cells. When lectins encounter the pectin, which also contains galactose, they attach to it, as they would be tied for the cell. Once bound to pectin, lectins are not able to be tied down to other places in the body and form new colonies of cancer. Thousands of research studies have confirmed the anti-carcinogenic effect of citrus pectin.

After your body has been cleared of pathogens and toxins, your tumors will shrink. They always do, as case after case has shown. However, we must be careful not to shrink them too fast! The contents must be detoxified and cleared slowly, in order not to overburden your vital organs.

Also, using the FOUR IN ONE device will significantly speed up the shrinking and healing process. Find out more about the FOUR IN ONE device, CLICK HERE.

Everyone who enrolls in any of the Budwig Center’s natural cancer programs will receive all the supplements included in these programs.

Find out about The Budwig Center’s Home Program here.

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