

About Biopsies

Dr. Thomas Seyfried, (born 1946) gives a very strong and clear warning in regard to biopsies. He is an American professor of biology, genetics, and biochemistry at Boston College. His postdoctoral fellowship studies were in the Department of Neurology at the Yale University School of Medicine where he served as an assistant professor in neurology. […]

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Cancer Patients Usually Have Severe Potassium Deficiencies

A severe on-going lack of potassium can trigger cancer development.  Researcher found that low potassium levels contribute to improper cellular functions.  Without proper cellular function it is very hard to prevent and reverse cancer.  Therefore, the Budwig Center, believes that all cancer patients need to keep their potassium levels high. After more than 20 years

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Former President Reversed His Heart Disease by switching to a Plant Based Diet

More and more evidence is now coming to light that a plant based diet, as recommend by Dr Johanna Budwig and many other doctors is the only scientifically proven diet to reverse heart disease and help prevent cancer and a host of other aliments. That’s why the Budwig Center follows the Budwig Vegetarian approach with their

Former President Reversed His Heart Disease by switching to a Plant Based Diet Read More »

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