Confronting Cancer: Adjusting Your Diet to Your Diagnosis

Facing a cancer diagnosis is a frightening experience. With so many unknowns hanging in the balance, it can be easy to lose yourself — both mentally and physically — in worry. Whether you’ve just been diagnosed, have been fighting this battle for years, or know a loved one who’s been diagnosed, it’s vital that you understand the value of nutrition.

Regardless of which course of treatment you pursue, cancer can have a devastating effect on your body. As time passes, your immune system begins to weaken, and you’ll find yourself fatigued after performing the simplest of tasks — you may even struggle to remember what life was like before cancer came barging the door down. The best thing you can do to provide your body with essential nutrients is to eat a healthy and balanced diet. However, just what does that entail for someone with specific health needs?

What Diet should I Follow?

Interestingly enough, the recommended diet for cancer patients aligns with the dietary guidelines for all Americans. Remember the food pyramid they taught you about in health class? Though the average American probably does not adhere to the recommended daily servings, rounding out your diet with the following foods can do wonders for your bodily health.

  • 2-3 cups of vegetables
  • 1-2 cups of fruit
  • 5 servings of grain-based foods (these must be whole grain)
  • 2 servings of dairy (provided in the Budwig muesli eaten once or twice a day)
  • 3 servings of protein (legumes, nuts)
  • 40-65 grams of fat (vegetable oils instead of animal fats)

The key to thriving during your cancer treatments depends on the nutrition you’re putting into your body; this means that extreme diets — those that restrict your intake to a few very specific foods — can put you at risk of nutrient deficiency, making an already tricky fight that much harder.

Of course, you should always consult a nutritionist before beginning a new diet. Additionally, a nutritionist may be able to recommend substitutes if you have difficulty eating or finding certain foods. It’s also good to keep in mind that Doctors have vast knowledge and are invaluable when monitoring a chronic condition like cancer, but many doctors do not study nutrition and diet. They may appreciate the need to avoid salt for patients with high blood pressure or are aware of the foods that cause high cholesterol and the effects of sugar on a person with diabetes. However, they may be unsure about the correct diet plan to recommend.

To Supplement, Or Not To Supplement?

Eating healthy (by following the above-recommended foods) should supply you with all the nutrients you need. Plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, beans, legumes, and whole grains provide fiber, vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals that cannot be replicated by a supplement. Additionally, some supplements and herbal products may interfere with your treatment. If you are taking medication, be sure to consult with your doctor or the naturopathic practitioner that may temporarily add some food-based remedies to your plan.

Endless Benefits

Committing to such a varied diet can be a struggle for some people, whether they have cancer or not. Still, the benefits are well worth it. Many of the adverse side effects (both from cancer itself and its treatments) can be alleviated if you’re eating the proper foods. You will:

  • Find yourself feeling better in general
  • Be able to keep up your strength and energy
  • Maintain your weight and a healthy store of nutrients
  • Lower your risk of infection
  • And heal and recover faster

Battling cancer is a marathon, not a sprint. Leave the quick-fixes and miracle cures behind and do your best to eat a healthy, balanced, whole-foods diet — you’ll be feeling better in no time.

Is Diet The Answer?

There are various diets which have reaped good results for a vast number of cancer patients. The Budwig diet, the Keto diet, the Gerson diet, to mention just a few, have been the catalyst that has propelled people’s health condition in the right direction. At the Budwig Center, we feel there is a considerable need to advise people that diet ALONE is not the answer, and does not qualify as “treatment” for cancer or any other serious illness.

As discussed, balanced nutrition is crucial, but other factors must be addressed such as, what is the root cause of your cancer? To discover the answer to this question a complete analysis of a person’s condition must be carried out. This analysis must be done periodically to evaluate how the body is responding to treatment.

To learn more about the factors causing and contributing to the body producing cancer, we encourage you to read the article:

How Does the Budwig Protocol Reduce The Risk of Cancer? CLICK HERE>>

2 thoughts on “Confronting Cancer: Adjusting Your Diet to Your Diagnosis”

    1. Dear LaVonne, this costs 335€ in total and includes the scan as well as the 5 or 6 remedies that will be recommended, enough to last 30 to 40 days and if you are not at the clinic in person, we ship these to you. To be able to do the GSR scan, you need to own a GSR hand cradle. This costs 220€. After you invest in the hand cradle you can get scans regularly and others can use it too. If you are interested or have more questions, please contact us by email: [email protected] You can also request a phone call through this email.

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