Dealing with your emotions is not always an easy task. Thankfully, some age-old emotional techniques can help you find balance and can give you the fortitude to press on in this challenging world we live in. These techniques are so simple and effective that they should be on everyone’s daily to-do list! When you feel emotionally balanced and centered, you can confidently get on with life’s activities, be there for others, and make the most of each day!
Emotional Techniques at the Budwig Center
Before we share our simple tips with you, it would be good to acknowledge that there are varying degrees of emotional balance and well-being. At our clinic, we have long recognized that damaged emotions due to past trauma can be so debilitating that they can lead to severe illness. For that reason, we have included emotional treatments in our health programs and packages. In fact, these programs have been so successful that many of our patients feel their health improved largely due to the emotional care they received at our clinic. For example, you can read Colleen Macdonald’s experience here.
To learn more, read our article Emotional Healing At The Budwig Center (Guide)
Healthy Relationships Starts with YOU!
People who enjoy healthy relationships love each other, support each other, help and encourage one another. This can be in either practical or emotional ways. However, this is not automatic. Also, it is not dependant on the other person. If we want to enjoy close bonds with others, the first person we need to analyze is ourselves. We need to do a self-analysis and ask ourselves, “what am I bringing to the relationship?” As the saying goes, “you get out, what you put in.”
So the first step is to consider your priorities. Just as a flower needs water and sunlight to grow, you must regularly nurture your relationships by devoting time to others. Do not let the hectic pace of life get in the way of spending time with those you love—that way, your friendships with others will flourish.
Next, we need to consider our attitude towards others. We live in a cold world where many people are just concerned about their own needs and interests. However, we need to always keep in mind that trust and respect are the lifeblood of any enduring relationship. Additionally, communication is vital. But, you must do so without judging, as this can stifle the free flow of communication. Also, communication is less about talking and more about listening. So, endeavor to be an active listener. As we converse with friends and pay close attention to what is being said, try to discern “why” they say what they are saying more than on “what” they say. We will then learn more about them and gain a more in-depth insight into their inner person, thus promoting a closer bond.
In summary, the first step in maintaining healthy relationships that can lead to balanced emotions is to focus more on others than ourselves. As was once said two thousand years ago, “there is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving.” Such timeless words!
Maintain Close Bonds with Others
The more you love something or see its value, the more you use it and care for it. For example, we always have our mobile phone in our pocket or purse. It’s never too far from us. Why? We all appreciate its value. We don’t leave home without it, and our life almost comes to a halt if we lose or break it. So one ancient emotional technique is simply to “love loving others” – cherish your relationships and appreciate their value.
Once we have this perspective, we won’t let anything get in the way of these precious possessions – our friendships. Not even a global pandemic will get in our way. If the only way to stay connected is by using digital tools, we will make the most of these options. This is now more important than ever! As the saying goes, “Social distancing does not mean social isolation.”
What will be the results? When we have healthy relationships, this helps to reduce stress. Furthermore, it can help us attain an overall healthier lifestyle. According to some studies, it can help bolster our immune system; we can heal faster from certain conditions and even live longer!
So, get creative! Find interests that both you and your loved ones share and do them together – even over a video call! Watch a movie online simultaneously, which is called “group watch” on some platforms. Or join an online exercise program, which you can also do at the same time over a video conference. Most importantly, find time to talk to each other. In times of a pandemic, why not plan a weekly online coffee date?
Maintain a Healthy Relationship with Yourself
To be a good friend to others, you must be a good friend to yourself. While you must make time for your loved ones, it is just as essential to have me-time. This is a crucial age-old technique that was relatively easy (and natural) to do in a pre-mobile phone, pre-internet, and pre-Netflix world. The many luxuries we have today, in many cases, have become distractions from what is really important and from what really feeds our inner person.
So make time for quiet pursuits that we can do alone. For some, it’s activities like painting or fishing. For others, it is reading a book, playing an instrument, dancing, running/jogging, or (believe it or not) even cleaning! The important thing is that it doesn’t feel like a chore, but that you do something you enjoy.
As our lives are getting busier and busier every day, making time for yourself is not always as easy as it sounds. It is imperative to not feel guilty about that me-time. It is tremendously productive and fulfilling. The more we can emotionally feed and nurture ourselves, the more we will have to give to others. And the more equipped we will be to live a successful and balanced life.
Practice Daily Affirmations
Daily affirmations have been around for ages. It is a tremendous emotional technique that can reframe the way you feel about yourself. Generally, we all experience negative chatter in our minds from time to time. Self-affirmations are a way to fight back and counteract all the negative talk that swirls around our minds throughout the day. This is perhaps the most simple of all the emotional techniques we have discussed, but maybe the most vital.
Think of it this way, imagine a radio (and we are not talking about Spotify here). Remember those old radios where you could turn the dial to tune in to whatever frequency or radio station you liked. Our brains are like that radio; they can be tuned to various frequencies and receive different messages. Unlike the radio, though, our brains tend to change channels automatically, and for some reason, switch to channels with negative messages or jarring tones. So daily affirmations are our way of changing the channel to something positive, refreshing, and reassuring.
It might seem difficult at first, but soon you will get used to it. For example, If you fear you won’t get a job you hope for, change that message into “I will do my best to get this job.” Repeat your affirmation in the morning and at night; repeat it aloud for at least three minutes. How will that help? You are replacing negative thoughts with positive affirmations. True, you may not get the job, but rather than sabotage the possibility of getting the job, you’re putting your mind in a positive place. Thus, giving yourself the best chance to accomplish your goal.
Filling your minds with positive thoughts gives you energy, drive, and purpose. The benefits are many, for example:
- You will be motivated to change whatever it is that you are unhappy about.
- You will be focused on your goals.
- You will have more self-confidence.
- Your subconscious will be directed towards new and healthier beliefs.
Practice kindness
Another age-old technique that can help you feel well and remain that way is kindness! As studies show, being kind can make you feel more optimistic, and it can boost your self-confidence and happiness. Interestingly, it can even support your immune system and improve the health of your heart.
Being kind doesn’t have to be expensive or time-consuming. Big gestures mean just as much as small acts of kindness. Give a compliment to a stranger, pay for someone’s coffee, help your elderly neighbor with shopping or mowing the lawn. Even something as simple as saying thank you or sharing a kind smile can make such a difference to someone’s day – and your own.
And the science of these acts of kindness is very real. When we are kind to others, it stimulates serotonin (a happiness chemical) and oxytocin (a love hormone). Simultaneously, it decreases cortisol (the stress hormone). This powerful drug can have a massive impact on our emotional balance and well-being. And think about this, research shows that when we witness an act of kindness, it can make us feel happier, and it is more likely we will do something kind ourselves. That’s incredible!
Emotional Techniques – Start Today!
As discussed, our emotional balance is so important. So, make sure to take the time to get accustomed to these old-age techniques. When you feel well emotionally, you will become the best version of yourself, no matter what challenges you face. You will be more energized and will think more clearly. Also, you will be able to use all your mental and emotional resources. Soon enough, you will see a positive change in yourself, and others will be able to witness it too!