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How to Manage Anxiety

How to Manage Anxiety

The global pandemic is just one of the many problems we face that can cause stress and anxiety. This article will share some tips and advice to help you manage life’s ups and downs. Before we dive into the solutions, let us first explore some of the underlying root causes

Years to Your Life

Simple Tips to Add Years to Your Life

Our bodies cry out for regular physical activity to function at the best level. We were designed to move. More and more research shows that lack of movement, or rather, too much sitting during the day, is detrimental to health and can reduce one’s life span. Research published in the


Detox Your Body – Why?

You may have heard that it’s not necessary to detox our bodies because the liver does an excellent job on its own. It’s true; the body’s filtering capabilities are a marvel. However, we may still experience a buildup of toxins and other unwanted substances because of an unhealthy diet, the

seasonal allergies

Seasonal Allergies: Causes and Remedies

Runny nose, watering eyes, chest tightness, and sneezing are all common symptoms of seasonal allergies. It’s a real nuisance. We may not be sick enough to take a day off work, but going about our daily activities can end up being a dreary experience. In some cases, these symptoms can


The Incredible Health Benefits of Avocados

Avocados offer a wide variety of health benefits, thanks to the vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, and fiber contained in them. What’s more, you can be creative with avocadoes and add them to various and recipes, so you’ll never grow bored of them. Avocados are a rich source of Vitamin C,

Honey - Is It Recommended For Cancer Patients?

Honey – Is It Recommended For Cancer Patients?

One of the first things the Budwig Center teaches their clients is how cancer cells function. They differ from healthy cells. Cancer cells have ten times more insulin receptors on their cellular surface than healthy cells. Thus, they will greedily feed on glucose (sugar) and quickly thrive and spread. Due


Why Cancer Patients Need Potassium

Dr. Michael Greger M.D. stated that 98% of Americans have a potassium deficiency due to inadequate plant food intake. The average adult needs about 5,000 milligrams of potassium per day. Potassium vs. Sodium At the Budwig Center cancer clinic, we have understood that a cornerstone of an effective cancer treatment

The Benefits of Honey For Fungating Cancer Wounds

The Benefits of Honey For Fungating Cancer Wounds

Cancer is a debilitating illness, and its effects can last even after its successful treatment. Ulcerating cancer, often called “fungating cancer,” results from the cancerous growth breaking through the skin, resulting in wounds. As these wounds grow, they may block and damage blood vessels, resulting in reducing or losing oxygen

Making Healthy Meals - How to Get Into the Routine

Making Healthy Meals – How to Get Into the Routine

Ok, so you’ve finally got into the habit of making healthy meals – Congratulations! But now, weeks or months in, you are beginning to feel stuck in a monotonous (and boring) routine of endless salads and green juices. While it is easy to be attracted to a healthy lifestyle, keeping


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