Reset Chair

Introducing – The Reset Chair®

We would like to introduce a brand new health device available at our clinic called The Reset Chair®.

  • Do you struggle with either incontinence, sciatic nerve pain, or lower back pain?
  • Do you suffer from an enlarged prostate, erectile dysfunction, or low sexual libido?
  • Are you beginning to have problems with chronic pain, even migraines?

What is The Reset Chair®?

The Reset Chair® is a unique electromagnetic stimulation chair made in Europe that provides you with a fantastic pelvic workout with no pain.

It is used to provide an excellent non-invasive and non-surgical treatment. With an incredibly high success rate, The Reset Chair® enables men and women to enjoy good health and confidence, allowing them to resume daily activities without surgery or medication.

How Does The Reset Chair® work?

​Using FMS (Functional Magnetic Stimulation) technology, the pulsed magnetic field generated by the device causes the pelvic floor muscles to contract without the need for any electrodes. FMS is an effective alternative to established electrical stimulation methods, as it has many advantages for rehabilitation.

Magnetic fields are less painful, allow deep penetration into heterogeneous biological tissue, and do not require skin contact. Therefore, FMS does not stimulate pain nerves on the skin surface and is more pleasant than classic electrical stimulation.

What Are the Benefits?

Results with the Reset Chair have been nothing short of extraordinary. Health Care Professionals around the country are impressed with just how effective this non-invasive treatment is for their patients. The totally safe FDA and CE approved (along with ISO certification) electromagnetic pulses of the Reset Chair pack significantly more power than Kegel exercises. They perform and help restore your health without you needing to move a muscle.

Most patients with incontinence, for example, report 100% success. Men with an enlarged prostate and erectile dysfunction report an average of 85-90% success rate, and both men and women report approximately 92% success rate with low sexual libido.

Factors that influence your success rate depend greatly on your lifestyle and age. People who exercise, like taking long daily walks, working out regularly, and eating healthily, do not overindulge in alcohol, control their stress levels, get proper sleep, generally have the best results.

Book a FREE session with us today!

Head to the website to learn more about this incredible device. Once you are there, you can easily book an appointment using our online calendar and booking form. Your first session is entirely free, which includes a consultation with one of our health specialists, who will give you an overview of your condition and provide a road map you can follow that will assist you on your journey to better health.

To learn more and book your first appointment, CLICK HERE>>>

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