Glutamine is the richest amino acid in the human body. Unfortunately, glutamine metabolism is an energy source or “food” for cancer.
Therefore “blocking” glutamine metabolism so that it does not feed the cancer is an ingenious way of not feeding cancer, as reported in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences.
That is the focus of the Budwig natural cancer program.
Cancer Feeds on Four Sources of Energy
You may have also heard that sugar (glucose) feeds cancer. That is true. Interestingly, refined white sugar, fructose, corn syrup, etc., have all been dubbed as “fertilizer for cancer.”
Cancer cells utilize glucose in a dissipative way and to produce ATP (adenosine triphosphate) through aerobic glycolysis, regardless of oxygen availability (Warburg effect). However, sugar is not the only source of food for cancer. As already mentioned, glutamine is a source, so are refined fats and oils and ketones from animal proteins.
The Budwig natural and integrative approach disable all four of these cancer “foods.” However, more is needed than just “blocking” these energy sources. Certain types of cancer can still survive and proliferate by relying on glucose without glutamine.
How to Stop Feeding cancer using the Budwig protocol
At the Budwig Center, we use various selected herbal plant-based remedies, tinctures, teas, detoxifying clays, essential oils, mushroom extracts. Furthermore, the original Budwig food plan includes low glycemic fruits and, of course, the famous flaxseed oil and cottage cheese or quark provide numerous health benefits.
Also, we analyze the personal medical information. So, depending on the type of cancer, level or stage of cancer, and the person’s overall condition, we put together a personalized program tailored to each person.
Rarely do two people, even with the same type of cancer, receive the same selection of remedies. Therefore a personalized program such as what we offer is vital. Other health factors such as diabetes, cachexia (wasting away), low appetite, Epstein Barr or other viruses, parasite infections, severe pain, and constipation could be troubling the patient. So we must identify these conditions before we proceed.
Contact Us Today!
If you or a loved one is interested in the complementary treatment of Cancer, contact us today to find out more.
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