How to Manage Anxiety

How to Manage Anxiety

The global pandemic is just one of the many problems we face that can cause stress and anxiety. This article will share some tips and advice to help you manage life’s ups and downs. Before we dive into the solutions, let us first explore some of the underlying root causes of anxiety.

What Causes Anxiety?

In a word: Uncertainty. The biggest reason we feel anxious is that we don’t know what will happen next. Uncertainty can occur with a sudden change to our employment, a health scare, or some financial setback. Towards the end of 2019, the lives of most of the global population changed overnight. We were forced out of our routines and comfort zones. Even now, while many of us are returning to normalcy, the very definition of the word ‘normal’ seems to be taking on a new meaning.

We must find a way to cope with our feelings resulting from such unforeseen changes.

Why is it Important to Manage Anxiety?

Anxiety can cause adverse reactions in our bodies. For example, research shows that the immune system can be compromised when under stress. 

Some of the common adverse physiological effects of anxiety include:

  • Dizziness, headaches, and depression, as our brain begins to release stress hormones
  • Weight gain
  • Chest pain, increased heart rate, palpitations, an increased risk of high blood pressure and heart disease
  • Nausea, stomachaches, diarrhea, loss of appetite, and other digestive issues
  • A weaker immune system, which makes you more vulnerable to illnesses and viral infections
  • Rapid breathing, an increased risk of respiratory system conditions
  • Muscle tension
  • Sleep disorders

Anxiety can also affect our social life in the following ways:

  • Relationship problems 
  • Social isolation
  • Not being able to fulfill daily responsibilities (at work, home, or school)
  • Helplessness
  • Loss of motivation
  • Possibility of injuring yourself, suicidal thoughts

Manage Anxiety – How?

Due to the above, it is clear that we must find the right way to manage and cope with anxiety. At the Budwig Center, we provide much more than natural treatments to address chronic health issues; we also provide education. So we have published several inspiring articles related to emotional balance, which have proved to be extremely helpful to our readers.

Additionally, Lloyd Jenkins, Ph.D., the owner of the Budwig Center, compiled some inspirational accounts and tips for his patients in his book entitled “Courage and Wisdom in the Time of Need.”

You can download your FREE copy here.

Here are some simple tips to help you could with anxiety:

Try Not To Watch (or read) Too Much News

While it is vital to stay informed about world events, too much news consumption can add to our stress and feelings of helplessness. Additionally, we have to be careful of the sources of news reports. Expressions such as “fake news” or “fact-checking” have become common in recent years. Remember, the media revolves around sensationalized stories, as these are the ones that sell.

Also, limit the amount of time you spend focusing on saddening events in the world. Experts have suggested taking “days off” from listening to the news. Decide to have days where you focus solely on positive and inspiring stories.

Stay Healthy (Be Proactive)

exercise vs anxiety

When dealing with anxiety, having moments of rest and peace is vital. However, balance these moments of calm with positive and energizing activities that you find refreshing. Something as simple as taking a walk every day and being outside in the fresh air can do wonders. Additionally, keep your brain occupied by doing puzzles, reading, online courses, journaling, etc.

Don’t Isolate Yourself.

Technology has made it easy to “hang out” with friends without having to leave the house. So make the most of these platforms to remain close to your loved ones. However, when spending time with others using these virtual tools, make your time count. When talking with loved ones on the phone or via video chat, be present in the conversations, speak from the heart, and connect on a deeper level. Get to know your friends all over again (even if you’ve known each other for years), bond with them. Cherish the time with your loved ones, keep the tone as positive as possible, and try not to dwell on the negative or bad reports we hear on the news.

Try Natural Remedies to Manage Anxiety

To help you in the process of dealing with anxiety, you might want to try aromatherapy. Essential oils can make it easier to relax and sleep, reduce your blood pressure and heart rate, and improve your mood. Some helpful essential oils include lavender, clary sage, bergamot, ylang-ylang, and grapefruit.

Herbal remedies include:

  • Vitamin Bs
  • Melatonin
  • Tryptophan
  • Lupulus
  • Bach flowers
  • Passionflower
  • Valerian

We also recommend activities like breathing exercises, listening to relaxing music, and guided visualizations.

Don’t Hesitate to Seek Help

If you feel like you cannot cope, you must speak to a loved one about your concerns. If necessary, seek help from medical professionals or support groups in your area (or online). Many therapists are offering video chat counseling. So you can get assistance without having to leave your home.

There are many ways to manage anxiety, but you have to find what works best for you. We are all different. What works for one person might not work for you.

The Budwig Center is Here For You

As you may know, the therapies we offer at the Budwig Center are not just focused on natural treatments. Because we have a whole-person approach to battling a disease, we have incorporated specific therapies that can help manage the emotional aspects of illness. These treatments are available to all, whether you have cancer or not.

If you’re struggling with anxiety, we encourage you to come to our clinic for any of the following treatments:

(click on the links for more information)

Contact us to find out more about these (and other) treatments and to book an appointment.

Note: This post was originally published in June 2020 and has been updated for freshness, accuracy, and clarity.

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