A study led by Dr. Michael F. Holick, professor of medicine, physiology, biophysics, and molecular medicine at Boston University Medical Campus, shows a “strong correlation” between higher vitamin D levels in the blood and lower positivity rates for COVID-19.
“We evaluated more than 190,000 blood samples from patients of all ethnicities and ages infected with COVID in all 50 states,” Holick said in a news release. The news release went on to say that “those found to be vitamin D deficient (less than 20 ng/mL) had a 54 percent higher COVID-19 positivity rate compared to those who were vitamin D sufficient with at least 30 ng/mL.”
Additionally, most adults 19 years and older should obtain between 400-1000 International Units (IUs) of vitamin D daily from food and/or with supplements (ideal intake depends on age and sex).” The medical group, the Endocrine Society, and related organizations noted in a July joint guidance statement that one of the best sources of vitamin D is spending 15-30 minutes in the sun.
“For those unable to spend at least 15-30 minutes with direct sun exposure each day, the easiest way to acquire vitamin D is through food supplemented with vitamin D and/or vitamin D nutritional supplements,” the statement read. For better protection against the Coronavirus, along with Vitamin D3, one is encouraged to take 50mg of Zinc and at least 2000mg of Vitamin C daily.
True Science
“The good thing about science is that it’s true whether or not you believe in it.” – Neil deGrasse Tyson
Vitamin D3 is effective against cancer by a number of mechanisms and with a wide range of cancers. At the Budwig Center, our primary focus is to benefit people with cancer. When a person has cancer, they benefit from even higher doses of Vitamin D3. Like Dr. Budwig, we recommend 20 minutes of sunbathing daily with no suntan lotion not to limit the sun’s beneficial rays. Furthermore, we strongly advise against any suntan lotion laced with toxic ingredients.
We also recommend 10,000 i.u of Vitamin D3 and K2 daily. Some Naturopaths will give up to 50,000 i.u of Vitamin D3 along with K2 daily to their cancer clients. It is essential once you take higher doses of Vitamin D3 also to add the K2.
Research has confirmed the essential role that Vitamin D plays in cancer prevention and support. [7] [8] [9] [10]
The subsequent randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials show Vitamin D to be beneficial and supportive with the following cancers:
- Cervical cancer [11]
- Colorectal cancer [12] [13]
- Melanoma [14]
- Prostate cancer [15]
- Overall cancer risk in women over age 55 [16] [17]
Other smaller studies and animal studies have shown the benefit of 1,25-D3, the active form of Vitamin D, with the following cancers. Here are a few of those:
- Gastric cancer [19]
- Liver cancer [20]
- Breast cancer [21]
Why Vitamin D Should be Part of Any Program For Cancer
Anyone who wants to prevent and support cancer would be wise to add Vitamin D to their daily regime because it has been shown to have cancer-supporting effects by several key mechanisms.
Vitamin D has been shown to:
- induce differentiation [22]
- apoptosis [23]
- reduce proliferation by an effect on signal transduction [24]
- improve intercellular communication through gap junction communication preservation [25]
- inhibit angiogenesis [26] [27]
- inhibit metastasis [28]
Also, at the Budwig Center, we make sure our patients enjoy foods rich in Vitamin A because studies now show that combining Vitamin A and D significantly enhanced the benefits [29] [30]
Here are some foods that are rich in Vitamin A:
- Sweet Potato (cooked) — 204% DV per serving
- Winter Squash (cooked) — 127% DV per serving
- Kale (cooked) — 98% DV per serving
- Collards (cooked) — 80% DV per serving
- Turnip Greens (cooked) — 61% DV per serving
- Carrot (cooked) — 44% DV per serving
- Sweet Red Pepper (raw) — 29% DV per serving
- Swiss Chard (raw) — 16% DV per serving
- Spinach (raw) — 16% DV per serving
- Romaine Lettuce (raw) — 14% DV per serving
The Budwig Protocol and Vitamin D
We are pleased to say that the Budwig protocol has helped countless people worldwide with a natural approach to supporting cancer. Using various effective therapies and in-depth education, many patients continue on the road to better health many years after they were diagnosed. To learn more about the Budwig protocol, download our FREE Budwig Guide. You will also discover the incredible benefits of the Budwig Diet.
Additional reading:
- Vitamin D Deficiency And Tumors
- Vitamin D – It’s Vital Role In Supporting Healthy Body System Function
- Vitamin and Mineral Supplements – What Did Dr. Budwig Say?
- Alternative Cancer Treatments in Europe
[7] Giovannucci E. The epidemiology of vitamin D and cancer incidence and mortality: a review. Cancer Causes Control. 2005 Mar; 16(2): 83-95. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15868450
[8] Wei M, Garland C, Gorham E, et al. Vitamin D and prevention of colorectal adenoma: a meta-analysis. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2008 Nov; 17(11): 2958-69. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=.++Vitamin+D+and+prevention+of+colorectal+adenoma%3A+a+meta-analysis.++Cancer+Epidemiol+Biomarkers+Prev
[9] Garland C, Gorham E, Mohr F. Vitamin D for cancer prevention: global perspective. Ann Epidem 2009 Jul;19(7):468-83. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=.++Vitamin+D+for+cancer+prevention%3A+global+perspective.++Ann+Epidem
[10] Giovannucci E. Vitamin D and cancer incidence in the Harvard cohorts. Ann Epidem. 2009 Feb 19(2): 84-8. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=Vitamin+D+and+cancer+incidence+in+the+Harvard+cohorts.++Ann+Epidem
[11] Vahedpoor Z, Jamilian M, et al. Effects of long-term vitamin D supplementation on regression and metabolic status of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Horm Cancer. Feb 2017. 8(1): 58-67. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28050798
[12] Bostick RM. Effects of supplemental vitamin D and calcium on normal colon tissue and circulating biomarkers of risk for colorectal neoplasms. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. Apr 2015, 148:86-95. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25597952
[13] Fedirko V, Bostick R, et al. Effects of supplemental vitamin D and calcium on oxidative DNA damage marker in normal colorectal mucosa: a randomized clinical trial. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. Jan 2010. 19(1): 280-91. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20056649
[14] De Smedt J, Van Kelly S, et al. Vitamin D supplementation in cutaneous malignant melanoma outcome (ViDMe): a randomized controlled trial. BMC Cancer. Aug 2017. 17(1): 562. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28835228
[15] Jarrard D, Konety B, et al. Phase IIa, randomized placebo-controlled trial of single high dose cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) and daily genistein (G-2535) versus double placebo in men with early-stage prostate cancer undergoing prostatectomy. Am J Clin Exp Urol. Sept 2016. 20;4(2): 17-27. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27766277.
[16] Schumann, S, Ewigman B. Double-dose vitamin D lowers cancer risk in women over 55. J Fam Pract. Nov 2007. 56(11): 907-910. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4294452/
[17] Lappe J, Travers-Gustafson D. Vitamin D and calcium supplementation reduces cancer risk: results of a randomized trial. Am J Clin Nutr. Jun 2007. 85(6):1586-91. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17556697
[18] Brunner R, Wactawski-Wende J, et al. The effect of calcium plus vitamin D on risk for invasive cancer: results of the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) calcium plus vitamin D randomized clinical trial. Nutr Cancer. 2011. 63(6): 827-41. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21774589
[19] Li M, Li L, et al. 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 suppresses gastric cancer cell growth through VDR- and mutant p53-mediated induction of p21. Life Sci. Jun 2017. 179: 88-97. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=1%2C25-dihydroxyvitamin+D3+suppresses+gastric+cancer+cell+growth+through+VDR-+and+mutant+p53-mediated+induction+of+p21.++Life+Sci
[20] Pourgholami M, Akhter J. In vitro and in vivo inhibition of liver cancer cells by 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3. Cancer Lett. Apr 2000. 151(1):97-102. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10766428
[21] Saez S, Falette N, et al. 1,25(OH)2D3 modulation of mammary tumor cell growth in vitro and in vivo. William L. McGuire Memorial Symposium. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 1993. 27(1-2):69-81. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8260731
[22] Shen M, Yen A. Nicotinamide cooperates with retinoic acid and 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D(3) to regulate cell differentiation and cell cycle arrest of human myeloblastic leukemia cells. Oncology 2009; 76(2): 91-100. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=Nicotinamide+cooperates+with+retinoic+acid+and+1%2C25+dihydroxyvitamin+D(3)+to+regulate+cell+differentiation+and+cell+cycle+arrest+of+human+myeloblastic+leukemia+cells.++Oncology
[23] Kizildag S, Ates H. Treatment of K562 cells with 1,25 dihydroxyvita
I’m shocked, because Dr. J. Mercola had to withdraw articles about the benefits of D3 in general and for preventing covid in particular! where does the truth lie?!
Like any virus or pathogen, our body’s response to Covid will be affected by our immune system’s capacity. We are simply sharing studies others have done on the benefits of Vitamin D.
Dr. Budwig has also emphasized the importance of a balanced vitamin D intake, especially from the sun directly. After her, countless doctors and biologists have repeated this information. We have seen how limited health services have been in the magnitude of this health pandemic. Our readers are usually looking for resources to complement their traditional treatments. It is about being proactive, taking responsibility for one’s health to get the best outcome.
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