“Thanks so much to all of you, the wonderful Budwig Team”

My name is Danuta Nowakowska. I would just like to say how much I admire all Budwig team for a very professional approach, devotion to their job, warm feelings toward the patients, and care they are taking for everyone coming to the Budwig Cancer Center. The Clinic is such a neat, clean, and well-equipped place.… Read more ““Thanks so much to all of you, the wonderful Budwig Team””
I Really Feel Liberated

My name is Alena, and I am from Prague. Three years ago, I was, unfortunately, diagnosed with breast cancer. I was offered conventional treatment options, which means surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy. But since I had already been receiving homeopathic treatment with a psychotherapist for quite a while, and since I was interested in natural medicine,… Read more “I Really Feel Liberated”
I wanted to stay longer and learn more

I was diagnosed just over two years ago with breast cancer. In my early days of the diagnosis, I did a lot of my own research. The Budwig Center and the Budwig Protocol was mentioned on The Truth About Cancer series with Ty Bollinger, the American chap that talks a lot about natural cancer treatments.… Read more “I wanted to stay longer and learn more”
Stage-2 breast cancer and wanting to heal myself wholly

First of all, I wish to thank each and everyone at the clinic: Dr. Jenkins, Dr. Boiko, Antonia, Robin, Stefanie, Kathy, Manuel, and all the patients like me. It was like a big family, all supporting each other and giving each other strength. I am 40, from Italy, and in February ’20 I was diagnosed… Read more “Stage-2 breast cancer and wanting to heal myself wholly”
Feel good factor

Thanks to the team I’m most grateful for everything you do. I’ve just returned from the Budwig center feeling much better. When I arrived I had a warm welcome. I Had several treatments and for lunch, we had vegan food which was very nutritious and tasty. After having chemo treatments it was Nice to have… Read more “Feel good factor”
Jerry Tindel’s wife, Breast Cancer

I receive your newsletter. Thank you. 7 years ago, my wife, Nancy, had breast cancer. The day she was diagnosed, I searched the web and discovered the Budwig Protocol. She started it immediately. She had a lumpectomy and one week of radiation. She is still on the protocol. Every year when her cancer doctors test… Read more “Jerry Tindel’s wife, Breast Cancer”
Breast Cancer, Ingrid Werner

When I was diagnosed with breast cancer Nov. 2013 at Englewood Hospital in NJ and they wanted to do the works on me, Cut, poison (Chemo), and burn (Radiation). I knew there was another way and asked the surgeon what she knew about nutrition and she admitted that they were never trained in Medical School.… Read more “Breast Cancer, Ingrid Werner”
Ingrid Werner, Breast Cancer

Thank you, Dr. Jenkins. My life was saved with the Budwig Protocol when I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in 11/2013 and even today I think of Dr. Budwig when I eat my Muesli every morning. I am now cancer-free for more than 1 year but still enjoy the organic cottage cheese, Flax Oil and… Read more “Ingrid Werner, Breast Cancer”
Breast Cancer, Sandra Alvim
Thanks, Lloyd!!! I just had a call from my doctor after a blood test and he said there’s only one cancer cell in my blood and the CA is 2.7 and he told me I should cancel the radiation for now and in two months do an MRI, Pet Scan and blood test again. I… Read more “Breast Cancer, Sandra Alvim”
Dalis Jurado, Breast Cancer

Dear Mr. Jenkins, I will like to share this great news… I had my cat, lab, and mammography tests, and thank god, my family, and especially to you. I am doing very well, no more breast cancer, I feel great and I am very happy to know that breast cancer is no longer with me.… Read more “Dalis Jurado, Breast Cancer”
Heidi Rock, Breast Cancer

Heidi Rock, Breast Cancer Name: Heidi Rock Dear Dr. Lloyd I wanted to drop you a quick email as I have returned from my 1 weeks treatment and have been following the distance programme for sometime and before enrolling in that we used the essential oil package and followed the guidance available on your website.… Read more “Heidi Rock, Breast Cancer”
Rosemary Hobson, Breast and Lymph Cancer

Dear Mr. Jenkins, ITS GREAT NEWS FOR ME. I AM DELIGHTED. I will of course, continue to follow the Budwig protocol and take all the medicaments that you have sent etc. You may share my good news with others. I play the Healing Tones music a lot, and also have a great Faith and believe… Read more “Rosemary Hobson, Breast and Lymph Cancer”
Gehan Kerara, Breast Cancer

Dear Lloyd When I came to the Budwig Center back in January 2015 two months after my delivery, the Vega test shows I have still level 4 breast cancerous cells. This is post my redial mastectomy surgery back in July 2014. After following the Budwig program, the Vega test I did it personally with Robin… Read more “Gehan Kerara, Breast Cancer”
Anne Maziar Ph.D

I survived stage 4 breast cancer in 1989 using principles of the Budwig diet. I was living 10 or 15 miles from the worst nuclear meltdown in US history, in Simi Valley, in 1959. It was 240 times worse than Three Mile Island. I was also living in Boulder, Colo., when Rocky Flats plutonium pit… Read more “Anne Maziar Ph.D”
Kathie Fitzpatrick, Breast Cancer

Hello Budwig Staff: I have a dramatic testimony that is medically documented as I have been seeing an oncologist at Northstar Cancer treatment center in Yakima Wa. USA since Sept. of 2014 until now. My stage three breast cancer that involved a high grade large tumor about 9 cm in the right breast is now… Read more “Kathie Fitzpatrick, Breast Cancer”
Correct Diet for Healing Breast Cancer

Dear Lloyd, Thank you so much. Yes of course you may use my story. You could also add: I have been using the flax oil & cottage cheese mixture daily for over a year now and my breast cancer has gone from large & visible to almost undetectable when I search for it with my… Read more “Correct Diet for Healing Breast Cancer”
Brigitte Fritz, Breast Cancer

Dear Mr. Jenkins, I myself am a breast cancer survivor (I had a mastectomy in 1998). Tumors run in our family, my mom died of Non-Hodgkins, my dad of pancreatic, my youngest sister of colon tumor – one day before her 45th birthday 4 years ago. And now my “middle” sister is battling bone degeneration,… Read more “Brigitte Fritz, Breast Cancer”
Marge, Breast Cancer

Dear Mr. Jenkins, It’s hard to believe another month has gone by. I received the results from the HGC test on Nov. 14, 2012, and it is +/-3, (49.8 Int. Units), and Dr. Navarro said this is within the doubtful range. I’m happy with the result. I’ve finished all the Aloe Vera and all of… Read more “Marge, Breast Cancer”
Desire Heunis, Breast Cancer

Hello Mr. Jenkins, Thank you for this mail, so good to hear from you again. Hope all are well in Spain, it’s going very good with me and Spring is on its way to South Africa. This summer I will receive the last 2 Zoladex injections and its been 3 years September since my cancer… Read more “Desire Heunis, Breast Cancer”
Pat Haas, Breast Cancer

Hi Mr. Jenkins, When the MRI showed the tumor, and the nodes looked clear I made the decision to have a second mastectomy (on July 11, 2012), especially since I healed so quickly from the first one, and my pain level was never higher than 0-3 out of 10, due to taking Arnica each time.… Read more “Pat Haas, Breast Cancer”
Kelly Krajewski, Breast Cancer

My sister has been following the protocol for approximately 8 months now with encouraging results. Her last check-up showed her cancer-free and very healthy after being previously diagnosed with breast cancer. I have been taking prescription meds for over 12 years now but would love to start the protocol. Although I am going to an… Read more “Kelly Krajewski, Breast Cancer”
Vera Lucia, Breast Cancer

Dear Lloyd, My name is Vera Lucia Aquino, I am from Brazil. In 2011 I was diagnosed with breast cancer and in January of 2012, I began the treatment following your counsel. In March of 2012, I went to treat my root channel that was done 3 years before, and on it was found a… Read more “Vera Lucia, Breast Cancer”