Thank You Message To You All

Today marks one calendar year when I completed a 3-week intensive treatment for prostate cancer that had metastasized to my L1 and lungs. I had dropped from 75 kg to 61 kg in body weight and was wearing a catheter. My appetite was at a low ebb and heavily constipated. Generally, I shunned all public… Read more “Thank You Message To You All”
I’m impressed with the professionalism, the friendliness, and the great food

My diagnosis was prostate cancer, locally advanced prostate cancer, which means it hasn’t spread to the rest of the body, but it was sticking out of the prostate. I chose the Budwig Center because I read a lot about Johanna Budwig over the years, so I knew the name. And after my diagnosis, I went… Read more “I’m impressed with the professionalism, the friendliness, and the great food”
PSA results

Dear Budwig Center team, After following your recommendations, Budwig diet and HIFU procedure, my PSA came down to 0.9 from 6.7. I’m continuing with the Budwig Diet. The only question I have is how long should I take Muesli(Flaxseed oil with cottage cheese). I used to take it 2 times a day. Now I’m taking… Read more “PSA results”
Wallace Dickson, Prostate Cancer

Dear Mr. Jenkins, Thanks for your inquiry and expression of care and concern. As for how I am doing, well, it’s very difficult for me to measure what’s going on with my body or how effective my self doctoring has been in battling cancer. I only know that the Budwig protocol “disappeared” my partner’s 10… Read more “Wallace Dickson, Prostate Cancer”
Laiking Chieng, Prostate Cancer

Dear Lloyd Jenkins, Thank you for the continuing support. My PSA reading on 8 Jun 15 is 0.47. This is a vast improvement from 96 in Mar 2015. I have taken the Budwig protocol for 3 months and stopped beginning Jun 2015. Plan to take the Budwig protocol for straight 10 days every month from… Read more “Laiking Chieng, Prostate Cancer”
Rick Hopper, Prostate Cancer

Dear Mr. Jenkins I am sending new urine, hair, and nail samples to you this morning. You should receive them in about a week. I just had a new PSA test done Monday and saw my oncologist Wednesday. He said the PSA level was not detectable or <0.05. I was elated over that. The doctor… Read more “Rick Hopper, Prostate Cancer”
Donald Price, Prostate Cancer

I attempted to let you know that my PSA had gone from 3400 to 250. Not all the way down, but heading in the right direction. The problem with my sciatic nerve was a tumor pressing against my spine. I had that radiated off and am doing much better. I’ll try to do better on… Read more “Donald Price, Prostate Cancer”
Ole Hansen, Prostate Cancer

Dear Sir/Madam. I sincerely thank you for your outstanding help and assistance. The Budwig diet already reduced my PSA level from 29 to 8. Last year an Australian Urologist told me, that I would be dead mid this year unless I accepted a dangerous biopsy and following intravenous chemo. Not knowing, that chemo according to… Read more “Ole Hansen, Prostate Cancer”
Richard Ollila, Prostate Cancer

I received an additional 7 bottles of supplies and a new schedule, thank you very much. I also receive my most recent Navarro score which was for the one month period after I first started the full Budwig program. My score dropped from 51.4 to 50.5 in that one month. While I am very pleased… Read more “Richard Ollila, Prostate Cancer”
Debo Adepoju, Prostate Cancer

I’m writing to you in order to inform you about my father’s decision, as I promised. Two days ago we had the results of my father’s blood test. The results were perfect and doctors were astonished. His health general condition was excellent and PSA decreased from 420 (15 April) to 0.34 (1 Sept). Doctors could… Read more “Debo Adepoju, Prostate Cancer”